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yes I don't trust ovulation tests. I tried them once and i had one every day and it said i was ovulating the entire time!

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Q: Can someone possibly conceive with in a day or two still if an ovulation test was taken and it indicated high fertility time even when the Next day a period started?
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How many days after ovulation period?

You can usually only conceive up to and the day of ovulation not after. Take a look at this article to find out more hints and tips on trying to conceive.

Can you be pregnant on the third day of ovulation?

possibly ask ur doctor.

Do females release eggs while spotting?

Possibly; spotting sometimes occurs at the time of ovulation due to the small dip in estrogen levels during ovulation.

Can I be pregnant if have light pink discharge?

Possibly, or it could just be ovulation. Take a test if your miss your period

If you make out and have sore breasts after 4 days from your ovulation could it possibly be pregnancy symptom?

Um....unless you have had sex you wouldnt be pregnant!

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Possibly as an infection can pass right through the body, it will clear up when its gone though.

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Not actually of pregnancy but possibly of which case pregnancy has a good chance of occurring.

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A girl can potentially have multiple babies over her reproductive years, as long as she is physically able to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. The number of babies she has can vary based on factors such as fertility, family planning choices, and health considerations. It is possible for a girl to have several pregnancies and give birth to several children throughout her lifetime.

How to Create a Fertility Calendar?

All woman should track their menstrual cycles. Paying attention to the normal ebb and flow of your menstrual cycle has many advantages. Such advantages include the ability to avoid pregnancy, conceive a child, have intercourse without risking pregnancy and help determine if you possibly have any problems with your reproductive organs. Keeping a fertility calendar is an ideal way to accomplish this goal. Start by purchasing an actual calendar. The calendar should have spaces each day where you write down important information. You will also need to buy a thermometer with a digital readout. It should be easy to read. Once you have a calendar and a digital thermometer, you can create a fertility calendar. A fertility calendar is basically a means of determining the phases of your menstrual cycle. A healthy woman's menstrual cycle will begin with three or four days of menstrual bleeding. You should note this fact on your calendar either with a word or a symbol. After you have days of bleeding, you may have some additional days of spotting. This is not uncommon. Note any spotting on your fertility calendar. At this point, you can start counting down to your ovulation. Do this by taking your temperature first thing in the morning. A normal woman's temperature will be between 97.0 and 97.4 during the pre-ovulatory phase. The day after you ovulate, your temperature should jump by half a point the day after. Note this fact on your fertility calendar. This means you have ovulated. Normal ovulation takes place during ten and fourteen days of your menstrual cycle. If you do not see evidence of a temperature jump on your fertility calendar, this may indicate you are not ovulating and should see a doctor as this may cause problems. Once you have ovulated, your temperatures should stay elevated for at least ten days. This is know as your luteal phase. A normal luteal phase is between ten and sixteen days. Anything shorter or longer could indicate that you have fertility problems. All women should keep a fertility calendar. Having the ability to chart the exact phases of your menstrual cycle is highly useful. You can use the calendar to help determine if you have physical problems as well as when you might be fertile or can have intercourse without getting pregnant. Keep a fertility calendar as long as you are having menstrual cycles.

How do you find the size of a refrigerator?

There is usually a label on the door or possibly by the control that says how big it is.

Could i possibly be adopted because both of my parents have blue eyes and i am their son and i have brown eyes so is it possible that they can conceive a brown eyed son?

Yes, it is very possible.