NO! Don't worry! The only way you could get pregnant would be if you had sex and it was unprotected.
It is impossible to get pregnant through your mouth.
No, the human female cannot get pregnant when semen enters through her mouth.
no you can not fart in somebody mouth dialow Isac.
Sperm into mouth will not get you pregnant, only sperm into vagina can do that.
yes dont do it you'll get a mouth sore too
No. You can't get pregnant from the mouth. A girl can only get pregnant if the boys sperm from his penis goes inside the girls vagina when they have sex
No it needs to tavel through the vagina in order for this to happen....chichi
no no no no no no it cant reach your eggs that way
The mouth provides more air and a better pathway to the lungs.
No. Sperm the mouth will not get you pregnant .answerNo. There is no relation of your mouth to your reprodictive system. Even if there was, the hydrochloric acid in your stomach would kill the sperm.
No, pregnancy only occurs when the sperm enters the woman's body through vagina, not the mouth. If sperm comes trough the mouth, it will lead to her digestive system, so it won't make you pregnant.