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No. The pill is made for people to take one every day. The company does testing before they sell a product to make sure they are safe.

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Yes you will die a painful death

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Q: Can smoking Tylenol pm kill you?
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Is there hydromorphone in Tylenol pm?

There is no hydromorphone in Tylenol PM, just acetaminophen and diphenhydramine.

What the side effects of Tylenol pm?

Can taking Tylenol PM affect blood pressure?

Are there any drugs that react with Tylenol that causes hallucinations?

Well... There is a mix of Diphenhydramine and Tylenol called Tylenol PM, going over the dosage can cause hallucinations. However if your trying to do it for fun DONT DO IT, all the Tylenol will kill your liver.

Does Tylenol pm affect Depo-Provera?

There are no known drug interactions between Tylenol PM and Depo Provera

Can your Maltese die from eating Tylenol pm?

You should talk to a vet because Tylenol PM can damage your dog's liver.

What harm can excessive use of Tylenol PM have on an unborn baby?

Too much tylenol pm can effect the babies immune system

Can Tylenol pm overdose kill you -?

Yes, overdose of any sort of Tylenol can kill you. It is not restricted to the PM. If it does not kill you, then it is a rough ordeal. If the overdose is large enough, you may not be able to keep the charcoal you are forced to drink down. There will be a good deal of vomiting. In some cases, you may be placed into a medically induced coma for a couple of days. Tylenol is very hard on the liver when taken in larger doses. There can be permanent liver damage.

What pill has AAA 1031 on it?

Tylenol PM

Can you take Tylenol PM if you are diabetic?


Does Tylenol pm have codine?

yes tons of it

Can you take Tylenol pm with diltiazem?


Can i get a hot ua taking tylenol pm?

No. Tylenol PM contains the active ingredients of acetaminophen and the antihistamine, diphenhydramine. Neither of these drugs will result in a positive urinalysis.