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Answer 1: According to Slyvia Brown sleep paralysis is caused from astral projection. She basically says that you wake up before your spirit has re-entered your body, and that is why you have an overwhelming sense of fear,as if someone is in the room with you.(which is you)

Answer 2: It depends upon whether the mind is physically conscious or not. If you experience sleep paralysis in a physically conscious state, then you likely will not experience astral projection, at least not until the physical mind and body are dead asleep- for lack of a better phrase. Some scientists believe that this phenomenon is manifested through the release of a chemical known as DMT which is manufactured by the Pineal Gland. Various minerals, foods, exercise and yoga are able to increase one's chance at experiencing astral projection. For example, Zinc is one of the many minerals that is able to cause astral projection and lucid dreaming.

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Q: Can sleep paralysis lead to astral projection?
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