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Q: Can sitting up straight help scoliosis?
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Is sitting up straight good for your back?

no sitting up straight is not good for your back leaning back is the best

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Sitting up straight

Does scoliosis get severe?

yes!of course! sometimes it can be so severe, you can't even stand up straight!

How do you stop slouching?

Well you should have sit up straight when you were younger so you are used to sitting up straight. But if that's not it then you could tape a ruler to your back. What I do is make my car seat vertical so my back stays straight the whole ride and I get more and more used to sitting straight.

Why does it take long to stand up straight after sitting?

Probably because your back is in the sitting position, and it gets stiff, then when you stand up, your back is transitioning into another position.

Will sitting up straight prevent getting a hunchback?

How will you develop a good posture?

Sitting up straight and not slouching helps. Also when you stand put your shoulders back,chin up and your back straight. Exercise helps too.

Does Scoliosis effects Body Height?

of course it makes you a little bit shorter if you have something and you bend it, it gets shorter its the same with scoliosis the spine is bent so the body is shorter people who have the correction surgery end up gaining a few inched at the end of it when their spine is straight

Why do they have spines?

It is to help you stand up straight

What part of the body is used to sit up straight?

The muscles in the back, particularly the erector spinae muscles, are primarily responsible for helping you maintain an upright posture and sit up straight. Good core strength and engagement of abdominal muscles also play a role in supporting proper sitting posture.

Can a fall cause scoliosis?

No. Scoliosis is usally caused by a birth defect showing up around adolesence.

My mom doesn't have scoliosis but can i get scoliosis?

I have scoliosis and no one in my family has had it. So you can get scoliosis even if its not in your family history. There are 3 types of scoliosis, I suggest looking them up, I unfortunatly have the type that no one knows what's causing it. But the 2 other types are well know and if you have it they can probably do more for you than mine.