Depending on the size and severity of the scar & general health & nutritional well being of the person with the scar, a scar (fibrosis) should go away.
Actually believe it or not scars can go away from tiger balm! AMAZING!
Scars are for life...
Renesmee doesn't have any scars.
they can but they wont go away
yes it does
sort of a dumb question to ask, because scars are gashes in your skin that are either permenant or go away in like years.
Many times scars will not ever go away. You will need to seek a doctor to decide if you are a candidate for plastic surgery.
You need new tissue in place of the scarred tissue. That's the only way.
You can make scars go away by putting lavender oil and aloe on them. Tea tree oil is also used to heal scars.
Well, as you grow and get taller and bigger etc. it'll go away. or if it bothers you enough, get some scare away ointment.
In time they will go away. Don't pick at them or there wil be scars. Keep the skin clean, free of dirt and oil that can block the pores and lead to subcutaneous infection.