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I had a freind that got a disease from a roach bite. So i would say....Yes.

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Q: Can roach bites cause disease
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Unless it bites you it is very unlikely that it will cause you any harm. However, it could be a vector for disease.

What kind of diseases can animal and insect bites cause?

Rabies, Lyme disease. You know, all that fun stuff. Depends on which animal too.

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One disease spread by flea bites was called Black Death.

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Yes, chickungunya is a communicable disease. It is a viral disease spread by mosquito bites.

How many people who sustain tick bites actually acquire lyme disease?

About 30% of people who sustain the tick bites actually acquire the Lyme disease.

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What do roach feces look like?

As for the small "German" roach, most commonly found in multiple unit residential human dwelling places, the feces looks like tiny specks of black pepper. When a roach infestation occurs the build-up of roach feces and regurgitation will cause the effected area to have a characteristic dank, "septic," unhealthful odor. Such build-up can cause allergic reactions such as sneezing, watery irritated eyes, skin rashes & asthma. Additionally, roaches & their feces & regurgitaion carry, spread & contain disease causing microbes.

How do parasites cause a disease?

Parasites cause disease by feeding on the host's tissues or cells, disrupting normal physiological functions, and triggering immune responses. They can also release toxins or waste products that can harm the host's tissues and organs, leading to symptoms of the disease. Additionally, parasites can transmit diseases through their bites or feces.