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Absolutely not. Your WBC count would be elevated, among other things, but certainly not PSA levels.

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Q: Can psa high levels indicate gallbladder infected instead of prostate cancer?
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Which organ do humans have that rats do not?

Humans have a gallbladder, which rats do not possess. The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver and helps in the digestion of fats. Rats do not have a gallbladder and instead secrete bile directly from the liver into the small intestine.

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Yes. However you may want to use a vaporizer instead of smoking it to minimize coughing.

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Can you pop a zit that is not white?

No, it will only make it redder and more infected. Try a clay mask to dry it up instead.

Why do you have bile in your stools after laproscopic cholecystectomy?

Yes, the gallbladder is simple a storage area for bile. The liver produces the bile and stores it in the gallbladder until a fatty meal is comsumed. After a cholecyctectomy, bile produced in the liver travels to the small intestine instead. Diarrhea is often a complications since the bile is continuously draining into the small intestine.

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bile. Now read your textbook instead of asking for easy answers online! --a biology teacher

Are grilled cheeses good for gallbladder?

NO. Saturated fat in the cheese and the grilled bread. Try toasted bread and low-fat cheese instead. Put a litte spicy mustard on it to perk it up.

What impact do people have on flamingo populations?

Well if we keep polluting water all the good diets of flamingos will become infected, so if the flamingos get infected they could die and without their regular diet, they would turn white instead of pink.

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Showing empathy and caring for others does not indicate externalizing tendencies. Instead, externalizing tendencies are typically characterized by behaviors such as aggression, impulsivity, and rule-breaking.