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Yes. There is a marked connection between prinzmetals and seizures. Although the condition is chronic it can be treated with medications.

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Q: Can prinzmetals angina also cause seizure or stroke like symptoms?
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No the drinking of grapefruit juice can not cause stroke or seizure .

Can a stroke happen during an epileptic seizure?

A person can have a stroke at absolutely any time. So someone could have one while having a seizure. That is not to say that a seizure can cause a stroke or a stroke can cause a seizure, or that they are particularly related as generally neither would do anything like that. Both affect the brain, but are two very different kinds of problems caused by different factors.

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Doctors have reason to believe that strokes can lead to seizures.

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What are the symptoms of stroke?

Numbness on the face or arms, loss of speech, headache, blurred vision.

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If some damage was done to the brain as a result of a stroke, it is possible that seizures could result. However, a stroke and a seizure are very different things and each have their own causes.

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What should you do if you have stroke symptoms?

If you suspect stroke symptoms on you or a loved one you should immediately call 911. Do not waste time second guessing if it's a stroke or not. Within 5 minutes a life can be saved.