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Yes. You can take the same. It is good source of proteins.

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Q: Can pregnant woman drink skinny milk?
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How does a pregnant woman clean marijuana out her system?

Drink plenty of whole milk.

How much milk does a pregnant woman have to drink to pass a drug test?

Milk will not help you pass a drug test.

How much should pregnant women drink?

This answer is culture dependent. In the US, women are discouraged from drinking alcohol at all while pregnant, but in France, it is encouraged that the pregnant woman drink one (1) glass of red wine a day.

How much to feed a skinny horse?

It has to drink milk from its mom because it dose not have teeth

What milk should I drink if I want to be strong and kinda buff because I'm pretty skinny?

Drink 2% Milk if you dont workout mixed with high protein powder. Drink whole milk with high protein powder if you DO workout.

What effect does prolactin have on a pregnant woman?

The effect that prolactin has on a pregnant woman is that it stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk.

Is sterilized milk safe for pregnant women?

Yes because its sterilized. The only milk you can't drink is goats milk. Xxx

Is safe to drink nespray milk while pregnant?

It is totally safe to drink milk powder of this reputed brand during pregnancy.

Will you turn into a woman if you drink lots of soy milk?

No you won't.

If your lactose intolerant and you drink milk on purpose to get skinny is that unhealthy?

If you are lactose intolerant and drink milk you will have diarrhea. Prolonged diarrhea causes dehydration. Thus the majority of weight loss will be only water weight.

How much milk should a pregnant woman drink per day?

Three to four 8oz servings per day. The goal is 1000 mgs of calcium per day. You can get this from milk, yogurt, cheese or calcium rich vegetables.

Why would a woman produce milk after menopause?

she is pregnant thats y