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iv now had 4 children, and with each pregnancy iv had spotting very early on, which was a pinkish colour and abdominal cramps, which i found worsened with each pregnancy. the doctor put it down to implantation. i hope this helps

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Q: Can pinkish discharge diarrhea and abdominal pain be a sign of pregnancy?
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it means you need to go to the doctor.

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call your doctor! or go to the er. you may have an infection, or it just might be something that happens to you. everyone is different and so is every pregnancy.

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pink blood in discharge is but doesn't always mean your pregnant cause i got it then got my period 2 weeks later

If you are spotting and its pinkish is that a bad sign?

It could be a sign of pregnancy, or another issue. Best to consult with your physician.

Brown discharge after sex pinkish when wipe after urinate?

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