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It is not legal or ethical to lie about chlamydia, but, since someone can be infected without knowing and without having visible signs, it is possible to lie and say that you don't have chlamydia.

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Q: Can people lie about having chlamydia?
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Can having chlamydia once harm you?

Yes, having chlamydia once can harm you, but most people are cured of chlamydia without long-term effects.

Can chlamydia make you pregnant?

Having chlamydia does not make you pregnant.

Can chlamydia lie dormant for 13 years and you be able to give your partner chlamydia of 13 years?

Yes, this is possible.

Can you get chlamydia during your period?

Yes, you can get chlamydia during your period.Yes, if he is infected with chlamydia.

Can you be infertile after having chlamydia for eight months?

Yes, you can be infertile after having chlamydia, but most people who had chlamydia are not infertile. You should abstain from vaginal sex or use contraception if you don't want to get pregnant. Untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring which can impair fertility, but a history of chlamydia doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. In women, one in five with chlamydia develops pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes without knowing. Of that fraction, one in five will be infertile.

Can you be infertile after having chlamydia for nine months?

Yes, you can be infertile after having chlamydia, but most people who had chlamydia are not infertile. You should abstain from vaginal sex or use contraception if you don't want to get pregnant. Untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring which can impair fertility, but a history of chlamydia doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. In women, one in five with chlamydia develops pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes without knowing. Of that fraction, one in five will be infertile.

Can you be infertile after having chlamydia for eleven months?

Yes, you can be infertile after having chlamydia, but most people who had chlamydia are not infertile. You should abstain from vaginal sex or use contraception if you don't want to get pregnant. Untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring which can impair fertility, but a history of chlamydia doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. In women, one in five with chlamydia develops pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes without knowing. Of that fraction, one in five will be infertile.

Can you be infertile after having chlamydia for four months?

Yes, you can be infertile after having chlamydia, but most people who had chlamydia are not infertile. You should abstain from vaginal sex or use contraception if you don't want to get pregnant. Untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring which can impair fertility, but a history of chlamydia doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. In women, one in five with chlamydia develops pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes without knowing. Of that fraction, one in five will be infertile.

Can you be infertile after having chlamydia for ten months?

Yes, you can be infertile after having chlamydia, but most people who had chlamydia are not infertile. You should abstain from vaginal sex or use contraception if you don't want to get pregnant. Untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring which can impair fertility, but a history of chlamydia doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. In women, one in five with chlamydia develops pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes without knowing. Of that fraction, one in five will be infertile.

Can you be infertile after having chlamydia for three weeks?

Yes, you can be infertile after having chlamydia, but most people who had chlamydia are not infertile. You should abstain from vaginal sex or use contraception if you don't want to get pregnant. Untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring which can impair fertility, but a history of chlamydia doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. In women, one in five with chlamydia develops pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes without knowing. Of that fraction, one in five will be infertile.

Can you worry about chlamydia?

You should worry about catching chlamydia if you are having sex. Over 2.25 million people in the US are infected with the bacteria. It is the #1 bacterial STD infection in the US.

Can somebody die from having chlamydia?

Chlamydia responds well to treatment and is not usually fatal.