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It might if the sore throat is due to an infection by bacteria that are sensitive to penicillin, and most bacteria that cause sore throats are. However, the most common causes of a sore throat are viruses and viral infections are not treated with antibiotics like penicillin, since viruses (e.g., the cold and flu viruses) are not sensitive to or "killed" by antibiotics like bacteria are. You may want to try some of the home remedies given in the related question, or contact your health care professional for evaluation and treatment.

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If the sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection, it should effectively treat the infection. If it is not, then it will do nothing.

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blah blah blah dont ask this question

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Q: Can penicillin get rid of sore throat?
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That is not a very good drug for sore throat. You need to take penicillin or azithromycin.

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before penicillin ............ many people died of infections such as sore throat and diseases

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It will likely help soothe their sore throat. See the related question below for more information about how to get rid of a sore throat.

How do you get rid of a 2 week sore throat?

It is presumed that you have received total course of penicillin V. You need to consult the ENT specialist for the same. You may have superinfection with candida albicans in your throat. You may be having allergy to some pollutants in the air.

How do you get rid of a sharp sore throat?

by leaking sweet but the best way is to take some sore throat medicine like strepsils

Can you use Bactrim DS for a sore throat?

Bacrtrim DS can be used for sore throat. But this should be avoided. This drug may cause very severe allergic reactions, very commonly and is not as effective for step throat like penicillin.

What is the quickest way to get rid of a soor throat?

Cepacol has cough drops specifically for sore throats. They completely numb your throat. This will not get rid of your sore throat but will relieve it for some time. You can always gargle with sea salt and water as well. HTH.

How do you get rid of a sore throat fast Home remedies?

Cough drops

How do you get rid of a sore throat at home?

Well, the best thing to do is not think about it. It sounds lame but it works. Drinking water will not help. A sore throat is associated with a dry throat from direct air flow, or cough or allergies. The best way to get rid of a sore throat is to take a shower or drink tea with ginseng. If your sore throat persists for more than 15 hours, you should consult your primary physician, as this may be a sign of strep throat

What are some ways to cure an 11 year old's sore throat?

Go to the doctors they will usually prescribe penicillin.

Is chloraseptic good for a sroe throat?

Yes, chloraseptic works great to numb your sore throat. However, it does not get rid of it.

How does iodine cure a sore throat?

I have never heard of usin iodine to cure a sore throat, but iodine is an anti-infectant, in other words, it kills germs. Despite the fact that the cold is caused by a virus, a sore throat is often caused by bacteria, and so killing them will get rid of the sore throat. However, if you stop the iodine before they are all dead, your sore throat will get worse.