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PID can't turn into HIV or AIDS. Anyone diagnosed with PID should be tested for HIV and other STDs as well. Contact your health care provider to make sure you were tested.

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Q: Can pelvic inflammatory disease turn into aids?
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How is HIV casued?

HIV does not refer to a disease, but a virus that in-turn causes the disease AIDS. HIV is transmissible via the blood and saliva.

Can your immune system shut down?

Yes, when you have AIDS your body is turning all attention to fighting the disese and in turn weakens your immune system and leaves you liable to other illnesses. With aids the common cold can kill you

Is it true that if you get chlamydia more than once it could turn into AIDS?

The statement is false; chlamydia won't turn into HIV or AIDS.

Why are females susceptible to pelvic inflammatory disease?

PID is a serious infection that harms a woman's reproductive organs. It develops when an infection spreads up from the vagina and cervix into the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries. It is usually caused by untreated chlamydia or gonorrhea. But it may be caused by other infections.PID can lead people to get the following diseases:Untreated pelvic inflammatory disease may cause scar tissue and collections of infected fluid (abscesses) to develop in your fallopian tubes and damage your reproductive organs. Complications may include:Ectopic pregnancy. PID is a major cause of tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg can't make its way through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies can cause massive, life-threatening bleeding and require emergency surgery.Infertility. PID may damage your reproductive organs and cause infertility - the inability to become pregnant after one year of unprotected sex. The more times you've had PID, the greater your risk of infertility. Delaying treatment for PID also dramatically increases your risk of infertility.Chronic pelvic pain. Many women with symptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease develop chronic pelvic pain that may last for months or years. Scarring in your fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs can cause pain during intercourse, exercise and ovulation."Fuyan pill" is a kind of TCM to cure pelvic inflammation. And this medicine has applied for a patent. "Fuyan pill" has the function to clear away heat and toxic material. Actually, after taking this medicine continuously for three months, different kind of bacteria and tubercle bacillus are killed. At the same time, the mycoplasma and chlamydia will also turn negative in three months. And the stated pathological symptoms will be also improved.

What are male symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease?

The main symptoms include abdominal distension and bellyache, waist pain. Sometimes, anus would feel distensible, and other symptoms include dysmenorrheal, irregular menstruation, infertility, and frequency of urinatior and increasing of leucorrhea. In fact, there are some special situations patients should pay attention to. For example, if the patient has got annexitis, we can find thick stick or platelet from one or two sides of uterus accompany with pain. If the hydrops tubae or tubo-ovariancyst has formed, we can find cystic tumor. Similarly, if the patient has got parametritis, the two sides of uterus can be incrassated and patients will feel painful. Once you have got PID , you can use the Fuyan pill to cure it , "Fuyan pill" has the function to clear away heat and toxic material. Actually, after taking this medicine continuously for three months, different kind of bacteria and tubercle bacillus are killed. At the same time, the mycoplasma and chlamydia will also turn negative in three months. And the stated pathological symptoms will be also improved. You can google this drug .

Does girls vaginas tighten?

The female herself can by retracting her pelvic muscels, In turn cause her vagina to tighten.

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Does hepatitis c turn into aids?

No hun herpes and AIDS are not related to each other, they are totally different viruses. How ever if some one has herpes then they can be more suceptable to getting HIV/AIDS because it can travel more easily through open blisters or sores caused by herpes.

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Yes because it can spread to the skin easily

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These are the same.

How is pelvic girdle size related to movement?

Pelvic girdle size can influence movement by affecting the range of motion in the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. A wider pelvic girdle may provide more stability and support during movements like walking and running, while a narrower pelvic girdle could potentially limit range of motion. The structure of the pelvic girdle can also impact the alignment of the spine and overall posture, which in turn can affect movement patterns.