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Yes; it is possible.

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Q: Can one be hiv positive and the other 2 be not hiv positive?
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Can 2 gay guys get aids if neither is hiv positive?

No. If neither partner has the HIV virus, then neither one can get AIDS. AIDS is caused when HIV has gotten to far along. In order for you to get AIDS, you have to have blood to blood contact with someone that is HIV positive.

What is the maximum number of years an HIV patient on antiretrovirals survive?

I don't think there is a maximum. I know 2 people who are on antiretrovirals and one has been hiv positive for over 30 years, the other just over 20 years. So there is no way to tell.

Identify the different structures of HIV?

There are two types of HIV structures, one is HIV-1 and other is HIV-2. The HIV-1 is more harmful to humans as the virus can transfer form the gorillas to humans causes AIDS. AIDS stand for acquired immuno deficiency syndrome. The results of HIV-2 are being studied by the researchers.

Is 2 weeks to soon to take the HIV Test?

With HIV tests it is most often best to be tested around 6 months after possible contact with HIV positive person. With this being said HIV can take up to a year before showing positive and sometimes people will not test positive for even longer. Always get tested every 6 months for possible STD's.

Can 2 Rh parents have a Rh- child?

No, it can't happen. if one of the parents or both are +, the child will be Positive. I don't know if 2 negatives can have a positive. But i do know that if one of the parents is positive and the other is negative, you can have a either a positive or negative child. (I have twins, one is negative and the other is positive.)

What is the difference between HIV-1 HIV-2?

Not much difference. They are both strains of the HIV virus and both can lead to AIDS and other opportunistic diseases. HIV-2 strain is found mostly in West Africa, with hardly any found in the US and other Western countries.

Is caffeine-based drinks favourable to HIV infected people?

I've been HIV positive for over 20 years now and drink about a 2 liter of Pepsi a day for roughly about the same amount of time. I really don't see or have a problem, caffeine isn't really a big concern to the other problems a HIV infected person can face.

What does Magic Johnson have to do with AIDS?

Magic Johnson announced in 1991 that he was HIV-positive. How he's survived 18 years with HIV is a mystery to basically everyone. I seriously wonder if he was misdiagnosed, because most people who contract HIV die of AIDS within 2 years or so, tops.

When will the sum of 2 integers be positive?

The sum of two integers is positive whenever the integer with the larger absolute value is positive. The sign of the other one doesn't matter.

How many college students have HIV?

ACHA estimated in 1996 that 1 in 500 college students is HIV positive.

Is the quotient of two integers with the same sign negative?

No. Dividing one negative number by another negative number will always give a positive answer (ie. -10/-5 = +2). Likewise, dividing one positive number by another positive number will always give a positive answer (+10/+5 = +2). A negative answer from division will only be obtained when one of the numbers is negative and the other is positive (+10/-5 = -2 and -10/+5 = -2).

Wiring 1 farad capacitor?

the capacitor has 2 wires or poles, one is the ground or negative and the other one is the hot or positive... if it is for car audio amp the ground is connected to the chassis and the positive is connected to the battery and to the positive wire of the amp.