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Q: Can nanobots mimic the super soldier serum?
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What is super hero serum?

It's made up by Marvel. Super soldier serum is what gave Captain America his strength.

Did tony starks dad create the super soldier formula?

No, Because the Super Soldier Serum was developed by Weapons Plus, led by Josef Reinstein during World War II. The serum provided the subject with increased stamina, speed and strength, however the serum was only successfully used by the program once before the program was "put on ice" by the United States government, with the test subject Steve Rogers.

What is the formula for Captian America's super serum?

Captain America is a fictional super-hero. There is no super-serum. Sorry.

What was the source of power that surged in rogers body?

The source of power that surged in Rogers' body was the Super Soldier Serum, which enhanced his physical abilities to peak human potential.

How did the black widow get her super powers?

Black widow( natasha/natalia romanoff) recieved the red room varient of the super soldier serum which enhanced her physical and mental abilities beyond human limits.

When did Super Star Soldier happen?

Super Star Soldier happened in 1990.

How do you get daredevil on super hero squad online?

you have to get a super hero serum and pick daredevil

When was Super Star Soldier created?

Super Star Soldier was created on 1990-07-06.

Why is the red skulls head red?

The Red Skull's head is red due to an experimental serum that caused a severe reaction in his body, permanently altering his appearance. In the comic books, the serum was designed to enhance his physical abilities but ended up turning his skin red and skull-like.

Is it possible to create the super soldier serum?

The human race are doing things extrodinary everyday. We found new planets, we found cures for diseases, our technology is so advanced now and we were even able to eradicate a deadly disease. Who knows whats next to come.

How did captin America became a superhero?

Captain America was a sickly little shrimp of a guy, but with a huge sense of patriotism. Because of his health, the regular army didn't want him, but he eventually managed to get accepted for a special program. And that special program - basically doping - turned him into Captain America.

How do you get the falken in ace combat x?

Collect the Super Mercenary,Super Soldier,and super Knight medals.