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Q: Can muscle cells only do work when extended?
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Are striated under skeletal muscle?

Because muscle cells can only contract, not extend, skeletal muscles most work in pairs. While one muscle contracts, the other muscle in the pair relaxes to its original length.

The only tissue that is able to contract and shorten in the body?


What do a group of similar cells such as muscle cells work in?

A group of similar cells like muscle cells work together in tissues to generate movement and provide structure and support to the body.

What makes the structure of muscle cells different from other cells?

basiccly there are more than two simiraties and differnces but illl tell yhu just 2 : normal cells: tiny and many but only cover parts of yhur body muscle cells: cover most of yhur body andstrong like the other guy said

Where does a muscle receive the energy from to contact?

What we call a muscle is really a large number of cells that work by contracting. Work that all cells do uses glucose, a simple sugar. This is used in producing ATP the "battery" that generates energy for the cells,

how do nerve cells and muscle cells work?

Nerve cells and muscle cells are excitable. Their cell membrane can produce electrochemical impulses and conduct them along the membrane. In muscle cells, this electric phenomenon is also associated with the contraction of the cell. Thank you, regards (me).

Do Skeletal muscle cells use creatine instead of ATP to do work?


What kind of animal cells might have many mitochondria?

Muscle cells work hard and require a lot of energy so they contain many many mitochondria.

In a organism containing many cells how is the work of the cell performed?

The nerve cells transport signals and your muscle cells are specialized for movement.

What is a tissue give an example of a tissue?

Muscle cells work together to form a tissue. These cells are by definition tissues. Bone cells work together to form skeletal tissue.

Do muscle cells work together to allow movement?

Muscle cells contract and relax in response to nerve impulses, causing movement. The human body has three types of muscle cells. Skeletal muscle cells control movement of bones, such as our arms and legs.

When muscle cells or do work they need more food and oxygen?

When muscle cells perform work, they require more energy, which is supplied by food in the form of glucose and oxygen from the blood. During physical activity, the demand for oxygen and nutrients increases to support the muscle's energy needs for contraction and movement. This process is essential to sustain muscle function and prevent fatigue during exercise.