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Not for the future but in the right dose it can make you abort this pregnancy.

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Q: Can misoprostol cause future miscarriages
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Related questions

What pills causes miscarriages?

The pills used in a induced miscarriage, aka abortion, are Mifepristone (also known as RU-486) and Misoprostol. They can only be used up to the 9th week.

What induces miscarriages?

A induced miscarriage is an abortion and the doctor can help you with either medication (a combo of Mifepristone and Misoprostol) before 9 weeks, or by surgery.

What pill can caus miscarriages?

Up to 9 weeks/63 days you can have a medical abortion and the doctor prescribe the pills for you. It's a combo of Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

Is jamping can pe cause of miscarriages?

No. jumping does not cause miscarriage.

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I dream that I am pregnant and I have miscarriages often Is this a sign that I will not be able to have babies?

Dreaming that you are pregnant and you have had miscarriages is not a sign or pointer to future troubles, as you can still have babies.

What are harmless substances used to induce miscarriages?

There are only Mifepristone in combination of Misoprostol up to the 9th week, or to have a surgical abortion. Those are the only safe and legal options and you have to contact a doctor for that.

What minerals in water can cause miscarriages?

Mineral water don't cause miscarriage.

What is a cause of over half of miscarriages?

In over half of all miscarriages, the fetus is abnormal. The abnormality can either be genetic or developmental.

Besides stress what can go medicaly wrong that may cause a miscarriage?

So many things can cause or contribute to a miscarriage. Most of the time, miscarriages are caused by some type of fetal abnormality, where the fetus isn't developing properly. Many women, however, experience a miscarriage and then go on to have healthy pregnancies afterward. Miscarriages can also be caused by something going haywire in the mother's body, for example with the immune system or the uterus. Sometimes miscarriages even run in a family. Diet is also increasingly being looked at as a contributing factor to miscarriages. Most recently, caffeine consumption was linked to an increased risk for miscarriage as can certain over-the-counter herbal prepations. If you have had a miscarriage or if miscarriages run in your family, doctors can test to find out what may be the cause and take precautions for future pregnancies. Most of the time though miscarriages are an isolated event. Also, if you drink to much or something like smoke, it can cause miscarriages, underdevelopment, or deformation.

Can I take misoprostol while breastfeeding?

If you are breastfeeding a baby, the misoprostol pills may cause diarrhea in the baby. To avoid this, breastfeed the baby, take the misoprostol pills, and wait 4 hours before you breastfeed again. To know more about misoprostol contact at or visit

Does vinigar cause miscarriages?

No, vinegar is safe during pregnancy.