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As in like vomit sick? Then maybe, but you shouldn't be making yourself puke cancer causing or not. It's hell for your stomach, I'll tell you that.

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Q: Can making yourself sick cause cancer?
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Can eating tippex cause breast cancer?

It won't give you breast cancer, but it will kill you or make you sick.

What will happen if you make yourself sick to lose weight?

Making yourself sick to lose weight is extremely dangerous. Making yourself sick on any occasion is in fact very harmful to your body and can cause death. It sounds extreme but unfortunately the ease of which you can cause yourself irreparable damage and even death is actually easier to do than you may think. Making yourself sick as a "one off" can in the short term cause blood vessels around the eyes to burst, head aches due to the pressure in your brain caused by the strain of making yourself sick and also a sore throat due to stomach acid which for the short term can make you more susceptible to colds and throat infections. Making yourself sick more than a "one off" for reasons such as losing weight can cause hair loss, tooth rot, gum disease, heart attack and irreparable damage to your kidneys, stomach, oesophagus as well as heart attack and death amongst other consequences. By making yourself sick, you are causing your body to forcibly vomit in a circumstance that it would otherwise not. This will cause a strain on your body organs that results in a great deal of harm to your body. The ONLY way to successfully lose weight and keep it off is by eating a healthy diet and exercising. Risking your life for the sake of losing a few pounds is not worth it! Please do not go down that path. It is extremely dangerous and not worth the risk.

Why is it that cancer can take time to be detected?

because the symptom's cancer cause - weight loss, fevers, swollen glands, or felling overly tired or sick for a while - are not usually caused by cancer.

Would making yourself sick also slow down your periods?

Someone who commonly or continually makes themself sick would be known as a bulimic. Bulimia can cause weight lossand electrolyte imbalance, which may result in the loss of a period for some girls.

I make myself sick after eating anything but sometimes it does not work and i can't be sick why is this?

Because your damaging your body by forcing yourself to throw up, it's not a natural thing to do and can even cause cancer, you should see a Doctor and try to get over the eating disorder before it's too late

How can you make yourself sick and no one to hear you doing it?

The acting of making yourself sick, or vomiting, is not a quiet affair, so there is no way to do so without others hearing. If you find yourself wanting to purge after eating, it is best to see a doctor.

How do cigarettes damage people's health?

It gives you cancer , makes you sick alot and can cause other people not to be around you!

You have been making yourself sick for 9 months now do you have bulimia?

Very likely, yes, unless you are starving yourself at the same time, in which case you may have anorexia.

Can anorexia cause shingles?

No. Anorexia can cause a weakened immune system, making an individual more likely to get sick with any disease, but it will in no way cause shingles.

How is the respiratory system affected by environmental factors such as smog?

Smoking: lung cancer, cause you to cough grossly and choke Smog; it will 100% make you sick Pollen: will cause allergies, sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and nose, runny nose hope it helped!!

How many time do you need to be sick after a meal roughly?

The answer ought to be never. If you are making yourself sick after meals you should get help. Making yourself throw up does lots of harm to your digestive system and of course the motivation to do so isn't good either. There are people who are specialized in helping you get past the negative self-image and be happy with who you are.

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