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My wife is diagnosed with lgmd, calpainopathy type exactly. After extensive research we have started on 1. Antioxidants in natural form to slow the autoimmune system attack on muscles 2. Homeopathy medicines to manage emotional causes of the disease. 3. Regular pranayam and yoga. 4. Mutivitamins in natural form to strenghthen bone structure. 5. Spleen correction herbally as it was stipulated in some unnani and Chinese medicine journals that this disease is caused by spleen disorder.Also read a recent medical journal which said that spleen can also take over role of stem cell producer for body. Giving it a try as it is harmless herbal preparation. 6. Also heard that mono atomic gold found in morning dew can also cure lgmd but hasn't given it a try yet.

Result: There hasn't been any noticeable increase in weakness of muscles in last one year. Instead overall energy level has improved but no improvement in range of motion of muscles.according to docs it is still very encouraging. ur story is welcome. vikas_baghla-at-yahoodotcom i don't know about mechano growth factor

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Q: Can limb girdle muscular dystrophy be treated with mechano growth factor?
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