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No, coughing helps prevent it.

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Q: Can laryngitis turn into pneumonia
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What are the ailments of the respiratory system?

pneumonia tonsillitis pharyngitis emphysema bronchial asthma common colds tuberculosis lung cancer laryngitis bronchitis

What viral infections are associated with measles?

Other viral infections may also strike the patient, including croup, bronchitis, laryngitis, or viral pneumonia.

Can laryngitis turn into a respirtory infection?

Yes it can. Laryngitis is usually caused by a bacteria or a virus. When these bugs travel down your respiratory tract, they can cause bronchitis or pneumonia. Respiratory infections usually start with a cold in the nose which may spread to the sinuses, throat and lower respiratory tract. But just because you have the beginning of a cold does not mean that you will go on to develop any of these other problems of the upper or of the lower respiratory tract.

Is pneumonia worse than bronchitis?

If Bronchitis is not taken care of it will turn into Pneumonia

When was Laryngitis - Glee - created?

Laryngitis - Glee - was created on 2010-05-11.

Can you catch laryngitis?

Not directly. But I could catch a cold, which could cause laryngitis.

What to do for a cat with laryngitis?

My cat has laryngitis too and we are going to take it to the vet and get the best answer from them.

What conditions can be treated with allium cepa or the common onion?

Homeopaths make a tincture of onion to treat a variety of conditions including cold, cough, diarrhea , facial paralysis, hay fever , hernia, laryngitis, pneumonia , and trauma.

Who is the director for Glee Laryngitis?

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon directed the Laryngitis episode of Glee. This was his first episode that he has directed. The Laryngitis episode was written by the creator Ryan Murphy.

What the correct code for acute and chronic laryngitis?

ICD 9 CM Code for Acute Laryngitis- 464.00 ICD 9 CM Code for Chronic Laryngitis- 476.0

How do you use laryngitis in a sentence?

He had to cancel his speech at the conference due to laryngitis.

What is the inflammation of the voicebox is called?

This is also known as laryngitis, Laryngitis is usually caused by a virus or occurs in people who overuse their voice. Occasionally, a person may develop laryngitis from bacterial infections, and rarely, from infections such as tuberculosis,syphilis, or a fungal infection.