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If you are not getting the right amount of calcium and other minerals that are in milk or other things with lactose in it your bones and teeth could become brittle and you could get diseases with bones but I doubt it could really kill you. Try soymilk, coconut, or almond milk.

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Yes it can.

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Q: Can lactose intolerant people die from eating too many dairy products?
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What companies offer products to those who are lactose intolerant?

As more and more people are being diagnosed as lactose intolerant, more companies have to be transparent on whether or not products have lactose in their products. As this is the case, companies must be able to easily give listing of what ingredients are in food products.

Is whey protein supplement recommended for people who are lactose intolerant?

If you are lactose intolerant, it is probably a good idea to avoid whey products. Whey is a byproduct of the cheese making process; while it might not contain as much lactose as milk, it can still cause stomach problems for the lactose intolerant.

What can a lactose intolerant eat?

Lactose intolerant people can eat lots of things including Meat Products, Water, Various Soda Brands, and even cheese, but NOT cow cheese. Lactose intolerant people can eat GOAT cheese, but not COW cheese.soymilk and other nut milk, e.g almond milk.milk and yogurt

Do dairy products contain a disaccharide which some people are unable to digest?

Dairy products can contain a sugar called 'lactose' to which some people are intolerant.

What is the name of lactose intolerant people?

They are known as people with lactose intolerance - and that's about it.

What do lactose intolerant people have for dinner?


Is whey safe for lactose intolerant people?


Can lactose intolerant people eat pizza?

Some lactose-intolerant people can eat pizza, while others cannot. It depends on the severity of the intolerance.

Is dairy bad for you?

If you're lactose intolerant (you're body cant use the lactose in dairy) it won't be good for you. Often lactose intolerant people who ingest dairy products suffer from anything from gaseous pains to near allergic-reactions.Otherwise, just make sure the dairy is pasteurized.

What can't people that are lactose intolerance eat?

All dairy products contain an enzyme called lactose, and therefore if you are lactose intolerant, you cannot eat dairy. However, usually a person can eat 1/2 a cup or less of a dairy product if it is accompanied with food, but this is not true for all people.

Is there a cure for lactose intolerant?

I'm afraid not, but most people who are lactose intolerant grow out of it at some point, often around the ages of 5,6,7,8 - that kind of thing. Two of my siblings had it, and by the time they were 4 or so, there was no longer a need for them to avoid dairy products.

Is milk whey safe for lactose intolerant people?
