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Q: Can kidneys cause your muscles and joints to hurt?
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Does red meat make your joints hurt?

I don't think it should. Since meat has plenty of protein it should do anything BUT make joints or muscles hurt.

Does lupus hurt?

It can hurt. Where you are having a flare it is common for your joints and muscles to be attacked by your immune system causing pain which is sometimes severe. But simply having lupus does not hurt all of the time.

What are the best treatments for osteopathy?

Sciatica is one of the best treatments for osteopathy. It has a lot to do with your muscles and joints and can really hurt depending on how long you have had it.

What could be causing your joints to hurt?

Your joints will hurt if the synovial fluid hardens and joints become stiff.

Why does your lungs hurt?

when you are running a lot your lungs hurt cause you have baby muscles because my lungs hurt when i run a lot and my trainer said that's why your lungs hurt

Why does your right shoulder hurt like some hit you there?

cause they are muscles,wines and sensitive parts .

Why do your muscels hurt when you get mad?

Anger causes the release of hormonal signals that cause the muscles to tense up. When the muscles are tensed for too long, this causes fatigue and sore muscles.

Why does your head or back hurt in bad weather?

Changes in barometric pressure and humidity can affect the fluids in your joints and muscles, causing increased stiffness and discomfort, resulting in headaches or back pain during bad weather. Additionally, colder temperatures can cause muscles to tense up, exacerbating the pain.

What is the orgin of NO Pain NO Gain No pain?

because when you exercise your muscles are strained and get micro tears in them which is normal. the tears cause your muscles to hurt but when they heal the muscle gets larger and stronger like building callsuses in skin so if your muscles don't hurt after exercise then you don't gain any muscles.

Why do your kidneys hurt when you have your period?

Maybe it's the filopian tubes instead of your kidneys

Why is it painful to move when you are hurt?

because your joints r hurt

How do you hurt a muscle?

yes you can hurt your muscles