No That is very wrong!! That is animal abuse, but no, humans cant get pregnant by a cat......or any other animals.....
She can eat cat fish for sure.
yes, if a woman dry humps anything, she could easily get pregnant.
Cats carries animal borne illnesses and that is why they are a risk factor for pregnant women and newborn children.
Some do, some don't.
Dry humping implies no body fluids were exchanged, no skin to kin contact or intercourse took place. This means no pregnancy.
no because the man egg have to reach her eggs
Cats don't wear gloves...
No, absolutely not. Pregnant women can get a disease called Toxoplasmosis if they clean up cat feces. They should not clean a litter box or deal with cat feces at all. See the Related link below.
No, a cat did not jump on my pregnant belly.
Toxoplasmosis - can cause major health problems in the fetus.
Anyone can get a cat scan young or old. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant, since it uses radiation which could be harmful to the fetus.
Yes, I've have had a cat that purred while she was pregnant.