Sorry to say, but cats can see much, much, better than humans can in the dark, since they are night hunters.
Cats do not think humans are cute in the same way humans might find cats cute. Cats may see humans as providers of food and care, but they do not have the same emotional response towards humans as humans do towards cats.
Yes, cats can see humans.
Yes cats do! Maybe not like us humans. But to other cats it works like this they comunicate by simple things like waging a tail or or meows! hope u like my answer
The lymphatic system in cats helps to protect the body's immune system. The way the system works in humans is basically the same in cats. Lymph nodes, the spleen and the thymus are all common organs responsible for the production and drainage of antibodies.
The lymphatic system in cats helps to protect the body's immune system. The way the system works in humans is basically the same in cats. Lymph nodes, the spleen and the thymus are all common organs responsible for the production and drainage of antibodies.
They are probably scared of humans. Unlike domestic cats, wild cats are not raised with humans. Hope this helped!
No, cats cannot be sexually attracted to humans. Cats have different mating behaviors and instincts than humans.
No, chlamydia cannot be passed from cats to humans.
No, humans cannot contract chlamydia from cats. Chlamydia in cats is caused by a different strain of the bacteria and does not infect humans.
No, cats cannot spread lice to humans. Lice are specific to humans and cannot survive on animals like cats.
Humans are for one. Since we hunt them for their spotted pelts. Other wild cats also, likely.