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No. Human waste does not cause strep throat.

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Q: Can human waste cause strep throat?
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What are some effects humans have on the land?

Human and animal waste is full of dangerous bacteria can cause illness waste from hospitals the same waste

How does waste cause pollution?

human waste is causing pollution by the drains being emptied in to the river causing water contamination.

Why is human waste toxic?

Human waste contains harmful bacteria and pathogens that can cause diseases and infections if not properly managed or treated. It can also contain harmful chemicals and compounds that can harm the environment if released untreated into the surroundings. Proper disposal and treatment of human waste are essential to prevent health risks and environmental pollution.

How does sanitary landfills affect human health?

Landfills affect our human health because, the landfill is filled in by waste disposals and all that waste disposals goes in the air we breath in which causes pollution. Pollution can cause eye burning, and also there saying that some chemicals might be able to cause cancer.

When did Human Waste Project end?

Human Waste Project ended in 1998.

When was Human Waste Project created?

Human Waste Project was created in 1993.

Who waste the resource?

Human beings waste resources.

Does aids spread through cleaning the human waste?

NO, HIV is not found in human waste or pee

Are products made from recycled human waste?

are there any byproducts made from recycled human waste?

What is the function of the ileocaecal valve in the human body?

The function of your ileocecal valve is to prevent waste from your large intestine from flowing back into your small intestine. This would cause the waste juices to get mixed in with the nutritional juices.

How does human waste cause pollution?

because it might have acid or bad stuff in it then when u put it in the waste disposal it might get in to the grown water and flow in the the water of a lake near by and harm all the animals in the water fish and stuff

How many waste organs in human?

10 waste organs.