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HPV does not cause pelvic or abdominal pain. Call your health care provider immediately for advice regarding your situation.

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Q: Can hpv be the cause of your sharp pains on your lower right side?
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It might be her appendix. I had that kind of pain too and I had to have my appendix taken out that night. go to the hostipal or call 911,

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Call the doctor who treated you. Or call your regular doctor. Call right now, tonight.

You have sharp pains on the left lower half of the abdomen could it be your appendix?

Sharp pains on the left lower half of the abdomen are less likely to be due to appendicitis, as the appendix is located on the right side of the abdomen. However, there are other conditions such as diverticulitis or ovarian issues that could cause pain in that area. It's important to seek medical evaluation to determine the exact cause of the pain.

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You should consult your doctor it might be perfectly normal or could be a problem indicating eptopic pregnancy

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What organs are in you right side that could cause you pain?

Many. Identify the pain. Is it in the lower right side, by your hipbone? If it is it could be appendicites. Many times, this can be the cause. Also, many people mistake sharp pains for something serious when it really could be excess gas. See your doc if you are really concerned. If it goes on more than a week, see your Doctor.