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Possibly, everybody's body reacts differently men and woman.

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Q: Can holding your urine give you a headache?
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Can ham give you a headache?

if you're allergic then yes if you're not allergic to ham no headache most people say it doesn't give you a headache

What is the hollow holding structure for the urine?

The bladder is the hollow holding structure for urine in the human body. It is a muscular organ located in the pelvis that expands as urine is stored and contracts to release urine through the urethra.

Can swallowing ejaculate give you a headache?

No. Actually it may ease a headache.

I have trouble holding urine what do i do?

Consult your doctor.

Why does listening to screamo on full blast give you a headache?

Listening to any music on full blast will give you a headache, not metal independantly!

What is the holding site for urine in the human body?

The bladder

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Pounding headache, muddled thoughts, pain, and little urine.

What causes a scent to give a headache?

Migraine is only one type of headache that can be triggered by smells.

Can snorting cocaine give a person a severe headache?

A headache is the last worry a cocaine addict will have

Why does eating a salad give you a headache?

If you are sure that it is the salad that is causing the headache, then it may be that there is an ingredient that you are allergic to.

Does nook give headache?

Reading can be a headache trigger for certain individuals, depending upon which type of headache disorder they suffer. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, consult a board certified headache specialist.

Can Oxycontin give you a headache?

no, unless your withdrawing from it