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My doctor prescribed my 20 month old daughter heavy mineral oil so I'd say it was okay but only for a few days

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Q: Can heavy mineral oil be put in five year old's ears to help with ear wax?
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What determines the density and specific gravity of a mineral?

The density of a mineral is determined by its chemical composition and packing of atoms in its crystal structure. Specific gravity, which is the ratio of a mineral's density to the density of water, is a measure of how heavy a mineral is compared to an equal volume of water. Both properties can provide information about a mineral's identity and help distinguish it from other minerals.

What does the ears do to help us?

the help you hear

How does mineral oil help a dogs ears?

You can but some at Edmonton pet shop witch is called andys All you have to do is just ask for it and then pay or go into jollys in cruse hill which is really good for pets

how do you hear?

Your ears help you!

Can wearing glasses cause pain around the ears?

I too suffer from intense pain behind the ears, almost like pressure, but much worse. It usually happens when I wear my glasses, but they are not heavy or tight in any way. It actually feels like my head might explode. Please help! I too suffer from intense pain behind the ears, almost like pressure, but much worse. It usually happens when I wear my glasses, but they are not heavy or tight in any way. It actually feels like my head might explode. Please help!

How does an elephant having big ears help it cope with its habitat?

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When a horse flattens it ears it is in a good mood worried angry or starving?

when a horse puts his ears back he is angry or in pain. It depends what he puts his ears back at. I hope this is of some help to you. what to you do that he puts his ears back at...?if you wright back im sure i can help you..=]

How are animals ears different to your ears?

Because they are differently shaped, molded to help them survive in their habitats.