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Yes it can.

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Q: Can having your uterus punctured cause you to have a miscarriage?
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Can LSD cause a miscarriage?

Yes. LSD is known to cause uterus contractions, which can induce a miscarriage.

Is UTI a sign of miscarriage?

No it is not. A UTI is not in the uterus but in the urethra. A untreated UTI can however in worst case cause a miscarriage.

Can a very full bladder put pressure on the uterus and cause miscarriage?

no and yes

Would a miscarriage at 6 mos cause so much scarring to prohibit future pregnancies and if so what procedure would cause that?

I am so sorry for your loss. The only thing I can contribute to this answer is Asherman's Syndrome. Asherman's is when during a procedure like a D&C (procedure to remove the contents of conception from the uterus using a dull spoon instrument) the uterus is accidentally punctured or scarred causing scar tissue and complications. Having Asherman's could limit your ability to have subsequent children but can also be treated. A miscarriage at six months is almost like a mini-labor so unless you have an incomplete placenta and need a D & C as above, there should be no scarring on the uterus and it would be just like having a baby, which you have had really.

In the process of childbirth when is the placenta expelled from the uterus?

Most likely will you develop a infection when the placenta decompose before you get a chance to get pregnant and that alone can cause a miscarriage. See a doctor ASAP. After a miscarriage you will often need a D&C to clean out the uterus. The miscarriage is not over until everything is out.

Can caffeine cause miscarriage?

Caffeine highly increases your chance of having a miscarriage.

Does having a miscarriage cause your vagina to smell like pennies?


Can sneezing hard cause miscarriage?

Absolutely not, sneezing has absolutely no effect on the uterus. Very liitle can cause a miscarriage. Even those warnings on carnival rides are really so that if you have a miscarriage you don't blame it on the ride. Even roller-coasters don't cause miscarriages, pregnant women have been in car wrecks and not miscarried.

Can ruta be taken by pregnant women?

Pregnant women should not use ruta because it stimulates contraction of the uterus and can cause miscarriage.

How do you cause a miscarrige?

By nature or accident. If you mean having a miscarriage on purpose that would be a induced miscarriage aka abortion. You have to see a doctor for that.

Is it possible to have remaining tissue in the uterus after a miscarriage despite a negative pregnancy test and a closed cervix The miscarriage occured 4 weeks ago and test done 4 weeks later by doc.?

If you are concerned, an ultrasound test will confirm the emptiness of the uterus. == Yes, it is possible to have tissue left in your uterus after a miscarriage, this is called retained placenta. You really need to have a doctor confirm this, as a retained placenta could cause death, through hemorraghing or infection.

Can getting a tattoo cause a miscarriage?

No, tattoo's don't cause miscarriage. Doctors suggest you wait until after having the baby due to your compromised immune system during pregnancy can delay healing or cause infection.