yes, and having surgery will also disrupt the cycle. It will straighten out usually in a cycle or two good luck Joymaker rn
"The general recovery period for patients after lasic surgery is 24 hours, though for some it can be up to four days. Some pain may be experienced and special care is required."
If a US president is going to be put under anesthetic for a period of time, the position is transferred to the vice president for that period. The vice president becomes the acting president.
Periods show that you are capable of reproducing. No period, no children. You don't have to have a period if you don't plan on having any kids. Having the ovaries removed I believe stops the period. Some type of surgery on your uterus is required. I Rather Just Have My Period InStead Of Haveing A Surgery D:
There are two major reasons. The first is that anesthetic gases have a very similar effect on humans as they do on animals - you don't want to sedate or anesthetize the humans performing surgery. The second is that anesthetic gases, in large doses or over a long period of time, can have significant health effects. Over many years, persons exposed to large amounts of anesthetic gases have increased risks of pulmonary disease and cancer.
I had this surgery done on 02/06/09 while having my period and so far I am doing very good.
There are different causes for having a lighter period then usual. Some causes for this can be stress, diet (eating less then you normally eat), illness (recovering from surgery, becoming very sick, ect.) or having hormonal problems.
yes it can. In about 3-4 years of you having your period I can regulate itself
If you have had a hip transplant and the period of warranty is over, you can still see the doctor who performed the surgery if you are having issues or experiencing pain.
Some persons postpone surgery for a longer period of time, often for financial reasons; others choose to continue on estrogen therapy indefinitely without surgery.
A late period is not a side effect from anesthetic dental injection or pain killers.