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Q: Can goldfish maintain a constant body temperature?
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How do are body's maintain a constant temperature?

What is the mane for the animals that maintain a constant tamperture?

Animals that maintain a constant body temperature are called "endotherms." This means they can regulate their internal body temperature regardless of the external environment. This ability allows them to thrive in a variety of habitats and climates.

How do endothermic animals maintain body temperature?

Endothermic animals maintain constant body temperature in a number of ways. One way is to lay out in the sun.

Why warm blooded animal maintain a constant body temperature?


How does perspiring help the body maintain homeostasis?

it helps it by keeping body temperature constant

Do platypuses maintain a constant body temperature?

Yes. Being warm blooded mammals, not cold-blooded reptiles, platypuses do maintain a constant body temperature.

Does a spider keep its body temperature constant?

No, spiders are ectotherms, which means they rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature. They are not capable of maintaining a constant internal temperature like endothermic animals.

How do cassowary's maintain a constant body temperature?

By staying in the sun because the are cold blooded.

Are whales coldblooded?

No. All whales are warmblooded mammals which maintain a constant body temperature.

What is the animals maintain a constant body temperature regard less of the temperature of the environ ment?

Warm-blooded animals.

How does ear size help foxes maintain constant body temperature?

There are blood vessels in the ears that help maintain body temperature and the bigger the ear the more surface area it has to work with in order to regulate the temperature.

Which part of brain maintains body temperature?

Your brain helps your body to maintain a constant temperature by detecting temperature receptors that are found in the skin. Temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus.