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The gallbladder has no effect on hormones of pregnancy. Gallstones will not affect a pregnancy test.

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Q: Can gallstones give you a false negative pregnancy test?
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Can valtrex give you a false negative pregnancy test?

No it doesn't have any affect on the hormones which are produced during pregnancy.

Can an expired pregnancy test give a false negative reading Even if it's only 1 year expired?

Yes it can. Any pregnancy test can give a false negative (not picking up on the presence of the hormone hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin)) however they will not give a false positive (The hormone will only be there if you are pregnant) An expired pregnancy test will be even less accurate.

Negative pregnancy test but urinated on it again and it went positive?

This happened to me when I got pregnant with my third child. The first test was negative and the second positive. From what I understand, a pregnancy test can give a false negative but rarely gives a false positive.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test if a medication could give a false negative?

take it now think it will be better

What is the likely hood of being pregnant with a negative result?

It is more common for home pregnancy tests to give a false negative than a false positive. You could be testing too soon. Home pregnancy tests are considered accurate 14-16 days after ovulation.

Can birth control pills give you a false negative?

Hi, Your question is: Can birth control pills give you a false negative? No. Birth control pills can not give you a false negative or a false positive.

Can a pregnancy test give a false negative if you don't pee on the stick long enough?

YES! Every pregnancy test is different and if the instructions are not followed 100% then there is a chance you could read a false negative. I suggest taking another test and if that dos not give you a conclusive answer or you are still unsure if the test is correct, consult your doctor for a blood test.

What pain medications can give a false negative on a pregnancy test?

Pain medication will not cause a pregnancy test to be falsely negative, using the test too soon can cause a false negative. Wait 3 or 4 days, if your period doesn't come take the test again, make sure you are following all directions precisely.

Can Advil give you a false negative pregnancy test?

yes i think it could just wait for the medicine to wear of and take another test ... :/

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Are there other more serious causes of a false negative pregnancy test?

There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought

Can a pregnancy test give a false negative?

Yes a pregnancy test can show negative when you actually are pregnant. The most common false negative happens when there is not enough of the pregnancy hormone HGH to be detected as in early pregnancy. This is why some tests come with another test so that you may retest later. Concentrations of the hormone are higher and easier to detect when you first wake up before you drink anything or go to the bathroom.