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This is a personal answer and not a professional one. There are certain foods that I eat that will go right through me. Especially things that have a high fat content. If I eat at a Golden Corral restaurant, when I leave I better be heading straight home if you know what I mean. I doubt that it will all make it's way through your system but some are faster than others. Especially if it has no nutritional value.

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Q: Can food go through your system in 2 hours?
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How long does it take to travel through the human body?

well it takes food 24 hours. so i thing a bout 2 hours for a human to go through the hole digestive system if there was a way to shrink people. the fact is people are moving bodies. while food is a kinetic, nonmoving or living object that just goes with the flow of the body.

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it made all foriegn food have to go through somekind of system to decotaminate them

How long does it take for food to turn into poop?

you eat, it goes through your stomach, then plops into your toilet...if you make it that far: )

What does the uvula do in the digestive system?

The Uvula closes the nose so the food does not go through the nose holes.

How fast do mice go through food?

it can go through food fast

Does digestion help grind food into smaller pieces?

Digestion helps the food go through your system. The food then sits at the bottom of your stomach until it comes out as waste.

How does food get to your stomatch?

Before food can be used by the body, it has to go through parts of the digestive system. Once food enters your mouth, saliva helps it turn into bolus. The bolus moves to the pharynx and down the esophagus. Now it has reached the stomach. The stomach then adds mucus and digestive acids to the food, and then squeezes and mixes it for 4-6 hours. Then, the food goes through the small intestine. If it still isn't digested, it moves on to the large intestine, which takes it through the cecum and rectum.

Does an oyster have a one-way or two-way digestive system?

An oyster has a one-way digestive system. Food enters through the mouth and travels through the digestive tract before being expelled through the anus.

Is there blood involved in the digestive system?

No. The digestive system is strictly for eating and disposing that food. There is no blood in your stomach (or at least, there is not supposed to be), but there are blood vessels that go around the organs in your digestive system. However, the blood does not go through them.

Which prevents the food from entering the respiratory system?

It's entering the Urinary system, and when it's entered, it will go r past through the Large and small intenstine .