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No it can not.

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13y ago

no. it helps yeast infections , though.

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Q: Can eating too much yogurt give you a yeast infection?
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Will eating yougurt help with yeast infection?

No. The live fungi (yeast) in bread dough are killed in the baking process.

Male yeast infection can he give it to a women?

Yes, a male can give a yeast infection to a woman.

Can a yeast infection in a male cause him not to have an erection?

No a yeast infection do not do that. but talking about erections, if you have a yeast infection you should not have sex with another person since you can give it to them.

Do yeast infection kill off sperms?

Absolutely not! You can get pregnant and also give the guy the yeast infection.

Does whipped cream give you a yeast infection?

It should not as it does not contain yeast.

Can you give yeast infection to your partner?


Can a dog give a human yeast infection?

Yes They can.

Can you get a yeast infection while on the patch?

You can get a yeast infection at any time. Hormone contraceptives make it more likely. Wear cotton panties and don't wear tight pants or nylon pantyhose. Always wipe yourself from front to back after using the bathroom, wash with a very mild soap and don't douche. Try eating 'live' yogurt because that will put back the natural bacteria that helps stop the yeasts. If you know it is a yeast infection ask your pharmacy what they recommend, and make sure your partner uses cream as well or he will just give it back to you.

How can you treat a yeast infection naturally?

Remember that any substance that you use, even "natural" is similar to a drug, it is just not called that. AnswerI believe you can cure a vaginal yeast infection by applying natural yogurt to your vagina. I read this is a magazine a while back and my Grandmother tried it and it did help but it didn't completely cure the yeast infection. Personally, if you keep getting recurring yeast infections then see your doctor. Your partner may also be re-infecting you, so both of you should be checked.

What would cause irritation to the outside of the urethra in a woman?

Yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. You might want to try and eat some yogurt and see if there is anything over the counter that will give you some relief.

Can you have a yeast infection in your but?

Yes you can get a yeast infection in or around your anus area. Yeast doesn't only pertain to the vagina as many may think, it is fungal infection that can appear on any part of the part, what makes them different is the names give to them.

Could your boyfriend being on antibiotics give you a yeast infection?
