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Yes because it can spread to the skin easily

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Q: Can ductile breast cancer turn into inflammatory breast cancer?
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Can breast cancer turn into bone cancer?

Yes, advanced breast cancer can metastasize to skin, although it is not that common for the breast cancer to spread to areas of skin besides the affected breast. That cancer that has spread to the skin will be the same pathology as the breast cancer which are commonly carcinomas. The original breast cancer will not change into melanoma or basal cell carcinoma once it spreads to skin. That would be a second new cancer.

How many breast biopsies turn out cancerous?

It is estimated that 75-80% of all breast biopsies resulted in benign (no cancer present) findings.

Symptoms of breast cancer-?

Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast grow out of control. There are different kinds of breast cancer. The kind of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast turn into cancer. Many patients fail to get the right treatment in early stages, so make sure to visit Cancer specialist as soon as you know about it.Breast cancer can begin in different parts of the breast. A breast is made up of three main parts: lobules, ducts, and connective tissue.Different people have different symptoms of breast cancer. Some people do not have any signs or symptoms at all.Some warning signs of breast cancer are—• New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit).• Thickening or swelling of part of the breast.• Irritation or dimpling of breast skin.• Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast.• Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area.• Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood.• Any change in the size orIf you have any signs or symptoms that worry you, be sure to see oncologist right away.

Is breast abscess breast cancer?

A breast abscess (also called a breast infection) is a pus-filled area under the skin, similar to a boil. Engorgement, which occurs during breast feeding, mastitis or a plugged duct can lead to an abscess. Treatment is usually surgical drainage and a course of antibiotics.

Will you get breast cancer if you drink water that's been out in the sun?

No. The sun wont make the water make your cells to turn cancerous.

Catch Breast Cancer Early ?

Breast cancer is a disease that affects millions of women each year. Many survive the disease and subsequent treatment but others are too late in being diagnosed and are not fortunate enough to receive a good prognosis when dealing with their breast cancer. This disease is a tricky one because it often does not have any symptoms. Women look for signs of breast cancer on a regular basis, but many women experience no symptoms at all. Those that do experience symptoms may have a better chance of being diagnosed earlier, which means a better chance of survival. Even when you have a lump in your breast, which is the most telling sign that you are facing breast cancer, it may be too small for you to feel during a routine self breast exam. When a lump is noticeable in the breast, one that is rough, jagged around the edges and hard to touch is likely cancer. However, even if you notice a soft, rounded lump it is not necessarily benign; some women have felt this type of lump only to be diagnosed as breast cancer by a doctor. Anytime you notice any sort of lump in your breast you should have your doctor check you for cancer. The American Cancer Society encourages women to be on the lookout for symptoms such as swelling in any portion of the breast, dimpling or irritation of the skin on the breast, pain in the breast and/or a lump in the area under the arm. Each of these symptoms is indicative of breast cancer and should be followed up on with a doctor immediately. In addition, there are several ways your nipples will let you know if you are suffering from breast cancer. Should your nipples begin turning inward or become painful, turn red or scaly or begin to thicken or if they are excreting anything other than breast milk you should have your breasts checked by your doctor immediately. The earlier breast cancer is caught, the better. Early stage breast cancer is easier to treat than cancer in a later stage, which means your chance of surviving breast cancer is far greater.

Does lung cancer affect men or women more?

The way that breast cancer affect men and women is that, for instance if a man or woman falls and get their breast hit really hard, it increases his or her chance of getting breast cancer.If he or she gets breast cancer in the breast will grow a tumor that will cause him or her to have a lump on their breast.But the reason why men and women get breast cance still remains a secret for those those men and women who have breast cancer.

What is the symtoms of breast cancer?

Symptoms of breast cancer can vary widely from person to person (note I didn't say woman to woman because men can actually develop breast cancer as well, although it is much more rare). Some of the more prevalent symptoms of breast cancer include: 1) a detectable lump, mass, or nodule in the breast or underarm areas beneath the skin (this doesn't necessarily mean it's cancer, but these need to be checked out by a physician), 2) swelling, tenderness, red streaking, or localized pain, especially around an area where a lump, mass or nodule has been detected, 3) any discharge not related to lactation/breast-feeding, 4) (general to cancer infection) unexplained malaise (tiredness), weakness, fever, etc.

Can trauma to the breast cause breast cancer?

Apparently it can! The cells can be weakened by poor diet etc., then turn cancerous the moment they encounter any sort of trauma/injury. In this state, even a Mammogram can be enough to trigger such a reaction.

Is breast cancer a good topic for sociology?

Sociology is the study of society, breast cancer is a disease not a social phenomenon. You could turn Pinkwashing into a sociology topic - Painwashing is when companies use breast cancer cause to sell products, often very little money goes to the cause but it significantly increases their profits, and often they will use cancer-causing ingredients in the products they're selling. Pinkwashing is interesting from a sociological perspective because people are more aware of pink than of breast cancer, companies use pink as a marketing tool and often take about breasts but not people behind the breasts. There's an element of herd mentality and brainwashing involved.

Can breast milk turn into powder in the breast?

Only if the body carrying the breast milk in the breast turned into powder.

What is form of cancer starting with c?

One form of cancer starting with the letter "C" is Colorectal Cancer. Colorectal cancer refers to cancer that develops in the colon or rectum, which are parts of the large intestine. It usually begins as noncancerous polyps, which can, over time, turn into cancer. Regular screenings, such as colonoscopies, can help detect and remove polyps before they become cancerous or detect colorectal cancer at an early, more treatable stage. Other types of cancer that start with the letter "C" include Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, and Lung Cancer, among others.