I dont think so because some of my family drinks and their joints are going to hell.
how to stop them from drinking alcohol
In the bible it says you go to hell. ''Thou shall not drink wine...'' That's one of the false believes.
It is a common reaction that many people have to alcohol. It is affecting the muscles and they are relaxing, one of many possible reactions to drinking alcohol. It is enough to make you not want anymore, which is not a bad thing in and of itself!
When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.
First, wine is alcohol. So drinking alcohol is no different than drinking wine.
A bibation is an act of drinking, especially alcohol.
Drinking alcohol is called ethanol, and it contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (C6H5OH)
Drinking alcohol can reduce the theraputic effectiveness of an antibiotic such as penicillin.
discourage people from drinking alcohol
Alcoholic drinking is not social drinking.
Not physically, but heavy drinking stops emotional growth.