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Don't ever take an antibiotic to treat an ailment without consulting your doctor. Antibiotics only treat a few specific bacterium per antibiotic. By taking antibiotics for a type of bacterial infection that is resistant to that antibiotic, you only weaken the immune system making the infection harder to treat down the road.

In addition, one of the side effects of doxycycline (Adoxa, Monodox), is "exacerbation of sinusitis symptoms". Check with your doctor.

In a perfect world, doctors would never treat a bacterial infection without doing a culture to determine which antibiotics a bacterial infection is sensitive to. But this does not happen often enough.

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11y ago

No. Doxycycline is only for treating bacterial infections. Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and antibiotics would have no effect.

There are anti-viral drugs, such as Tamiflu, that help with the flu to shorten the duration and lessen the severity of the symptoms. There is no equivalent for the common cold, you just have to ride it out and treat the symptoms with over the counter products, which you also would do for the flu. Ask the pharmacist at the drug store to suggest products based on the symptoms you have with the cold or flu.

Antibiotics would be a waste of time and money. Use of any prescription drug always carries inherent risk, and there is no reason to risk anything when it will do no good. The only times that antibiotics would be appropriate with viral infections would be to treat a secondary bacterial infection or to prevent infection by bacteria (only done in special cases).

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13y ago

Doxycycline 100mg won't treat cold sores.

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Probably not the best thing to use on cold sores around the mouth. It's more used to treat bacterial infections, and cold sores are caused by a virus. It may help heal the sores but you may not want to use it on your mouth as it could be toxic. Just get some over the counter cold sore cream to help heal te sores.

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Abreva is used to treat cold sores and fever blisters. This means it may be of some use in treating the blisters that accompany herpes. Be careful and consult with a doctor before using Abreva.

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They might be herpes simplex sores which are caused by a virus. That is what causes most "cold sores". You can get over the counter medicines for cold sores, ask your pharmacist for recommendations. If the directions on the label or from the pharmacist don't improve the condition, it may be something else that needs a health care professional to diagnose and treat.

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