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High blood sugar in fasting state usually indicates Diabetes. But you may want to check with your doctor for a better diagnose.

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Q: Can diabetes be diagnosed by a single finger prick blood sugar?
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My grandfather was diagnosed with diabetes and has to monitor his blood sugar levels regularly.

Does Nick Jonas like needles Yes or No?

Well, whether or not he likes needles, he has to use them. Nick Jonas was diagnosed with diabetes in 2005 and part of testing his blood sugar requires him to prick one finger with a needle in order to get a drop of blood to test.

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Premature menopause is diagnosed by blood tests and patients should be screened for diabetes, thyroid disease and similar diseases.

What test is performed to diagnose diabetes?

Gestational diabetes can be diagnosed with testing for blood glucose level, if it is higher than normal level then gestational diabetes be confirmed.All type of diabetes are confirmed only with high level of blood sugar or glucose.

What is pre diabetes and what are the symptoms?

Pre-diabetes is a precursor to diabetes so anyone diagnosed with it needs to be very careful. High blood sugar levels are what lead to diabetes so anyone will want to look after this.

How is a person diagnosed with diabetes?

you feel tired a lot and you need the toilet a lot you should get a blood test!

How is technology used to diagnose or treat type 2 diabetes?

Insulin is used to monitor the levels of blood sugar in diabetics. It can be diagnosed with a blood test.

Could you test diabetes from home?

You can test diabetes from home. There are many glucose meters that you just prick your finger or arm and a small amount of blood enters this machine and it will give you your blood glucose reading.

How does diabetes effect people?

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, your pancreas stops working. Your pancreas creates a chemical called insulin. Insulin helps your body digest sugar, so the diagnosed person cannot ingest any sugar ever again. Until they know that they are diagnosed, their blood sugar level can be dangerously high.

What does pricking your finger do?

Pricking your finger typically refers to using a lancet to draw a small drop of blood for testing purposes, such as monitoring blood glucose levels for diabetes. This process is usually done to obtain a blood sample for medical analysis to check various health parameters.

Can I check my blood sugar for diabetes without poking my finger?

There have been many advances in diabetes treatment recently and it is now possible to test blood sugar levels without pricking you finger. The GlucoTrack device from Integrity Applications uses a needless method to determine blood sugar levels-

Are there any foods that prevent diabetes?

Although there are not foods that actually prevent diabetes, there are foods to avoid in order to not get diabetes, Many diabetics are overweight, and should watch their diet in order to loose weight and avoid being diagnosed with diabetes. If you are diabetic there are diets you can go on in order to control your blood sugars.