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Dairy Products cause phlegm in the throat

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Related questions

What are common symptoms caused by viruses?

coughs, colds, sore throats, rashes, spots, warts.

What are the main health uses of Musinex?

The main health uses of Musinex are for temporary relief of coughs caused by common cold or any other breathing illnesses. It does not cure on going coughs from smoking or long term breathing problems.

What is the plural word for cough?

The plural of "cough" is "coughs."

Are bacteria caused coughs contagious?

Yes they are contageouse because many gearms lay in a cough that's why they put there arm up to block the germs

What is the whooping cough caused by?

Whooping cough is caused by inhalation of the airborne droplets of someone infected with pertussis which is a virus. A person with pertussis who coughs or sneezes around an unvaccinated person may spread the disease readily.

Does cold sores mean coughs?

A cold sore is caused by a herpes simplex virus and shows on the lip. It is a red, raised bump that gets crusty. Once you have these, you will get them time and time again. They have nothing to do with what we call colds and therefore with coughs, either. You can have both a cold and a cold sore but they are not causing each other.

Can opera singers sings pop and rock and country songs?

*Coughs* Michael Jackson *Coughs*

What is the group name for coughs?

A group of coughs is commonly referred to as a "bout of coughing" or simply "a coughing fit."

What's Rubella?

Rubella, also called German measles, is an infection usually caused by a person inhaling droplets containg the rubella virus from coughs or sneezes of infected persons.

How does honey help with hard coughs?

There's something in honey that's proven to soothe the throat. But if you have a sore throat or a bad cough you should have it with warm liquids

Are oranges bad for coughs?


What actors and actresses appeared in Coughs and Sneezes - 1945?

The cast of Coughs and Sneezes - 1945 includes: Richard Massingham