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No; concussions can cause symptoms similar to ADHD, but it is not ADHD. ADHD is a developmental disorder of the brain that occurs in childhood.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Try suffering a traumatic brain injury then you'll know.

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Q: Can concussions cause ADHD
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What is the most common cause for concussions in hockey?

The most common cause of concussions is checking, or using your body to gain a positional advantage.

Can a concussion cause your eye to twitch?

concussions mess up your brain so it probably would. Concussions can cause a variety of problems or even none at all.

Does video games cause ADHD?

No ADHD is from birth.

Can ADHD cause adultery?

No. ADHD does cause poor impulse control but in no way is it an excuse for adultery or a complete explanation for such behavior. Individuals with ADHD are more likely to do risky behaviors but it is not the cause; consult counselling.

Why does junk food cause ADHD?

It does not, it makes anyone hyper. Adhd is a whole different disorder

Does Pepsi cause ADHD?

ADHD is how your brain works, the chemicals in your brain cannot be altered by Pepsi, and I think that ADHD can only be caused by the way your brain works from the start of your life, and nothing else can cause it.

Is a total lack of consideration for others a symptom of adhd?

ADHD cause for total lack of consideration for others

What are some foods that cause adhd?

There does not seem to be any scientific evidence that food can cause ADHD. However, some research does suggest that food coloring may be the culprit. A good article can be found here:

How powerful does the force need to be to cause concussions?

concussions are mostly caused when something hits your back of your head.The force needs to be at least 50 miles per hour or if something hits you for head.

Can stress cause ADHD?

No; job stress can cause symptoms similar to ADHD like lack of focus and lack of motivation. Consult your doctor about treatments for stress.

Does sugar cause people with ADHD to wear out instead of get hyper?

No, it doesn't. Sugar makes ADHD symptoms worse.

How does science have to do with concussions?

Science plays a crucial role in understanding concussions by providing insight into the brain's physiology, how injuries occur, and the potential long-term effects. Scientific research helps in developing diagnostic tools, prevention strategies, and treatment options for concussions. Additionally, advancements in neuroscience and technology have improved our understanding of concussions and the best practices for managing them.