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A chlamydia test on the urine samples and genital fluid swabs can diagnose a clamydia infection. To learn more about chlamydia test samples, Visit Central BioHub's online human biospecimens marketplace.

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Anjaly Vijayan

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1y ago
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10y ago

A chlamydia test can't diagnose PID. Diagnosis of PID is difficult, as the bacteria can be infecting the upper reproductive tract without symptoms. A physical exam is the way to check for PID.

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8y ago

Yes, of course. The antibiotics for chlamydia, it maybe just useful for curing chlamydia. Pid infection couldn't eliminated by it. To ensure whether you have infected with it or not.

Testing for PID involves having a physical exam. There is no special blood, urine, or radiological test. If you have PID, you need to take additional antibiotics, and need to continue treatment for a longer period of time. Talk with your health care provider to determine whether an exam is required in your case.

In fact, if you want cure chlamydia and PID at the same time, you could try herbal supplement"fuyan pill" from Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic. It has been proven effective on curing chlamydia and PID by thousands of clinic cases.

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10y ago

Yes. Of women with chlamydia, 10-20% who don't get timely treatment may get PID. This PID may occur quickly, and without noticable symptoms. Of those women with PID, 20% may have infertility, 9% will have subsequent ectopic pregnancy, and 18% may have chronic pelvic pain. (see related link). That's why it's so important to test oneself regularly and stay protected. The symptoms can take 6 months for a woman to show up and by then it can, or not, be too late and she's sterile. It's like Russian Roulette.

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8y ago

Yes. While people most often think of chlamydia and gonorrhea when they think of PID, the most common cause is anaerobic bacteria that are not necessarily spread by sex. You can have PID without having an STD.

Don't worry, PID is curable. Once you are confirmed that you have infected with it, you'd better get the treatment immediately. Luckily, PID could be driven away by "fuyan pill" completely from its root.

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10y ago

Chlamydia is not the same as PID. Chlamydia may cause PID, but you can have chlamydia without having PID, and you can have PID without having chlamydia.

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10y ago

Yes, chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammmatory disease in females, as can gonorrhea. There are other possibilities, too.

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10y ago

Chlamydia causes PID when bacteria travel higher into the reproductive tract. It can cause inflammation in the fallopian tubes and pelvis.

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10y ago

Chlamydia can cause PID within weeks, although many women won't have symptoms. About 20% of women with chlamydia have PID.

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10y ago

A chlamydia test can detect chlamydia. Be sure you ask for the test by name.

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Q: Can chlamydia cause PID
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Is PID bacterial?

Bacteria, usually from chlamydia and gonorrhea, cause PID.

Can you get chlamydia or pid from saliva?

You can't get chlamydia or PID from saliva.

Can Chlamydia lead to other UTIs?

Chlamydia will lead to PID.

Can chlamydia be mistaken for hepatitis?

Rarely, chlamydia can cause severe right upper quadrant pain that may mimic hepatitis. This is known as Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome, and is a form of PID.

Can pelvic pain be due to PID if you were treated for chlamydia two years ago?

It is possible to be caused by PID.

How long can you have chlamydia without having abdominal pain?

It is possible, and common, to have chlamydia without ever having abdominal pain, even if the infection has ascended higher in the reproductive tract to cause PID.

If you had asymptomatic chlamydia for five years could you have PID and how would you detect it?

You can have PID from chlamydia without having significant symptoms. Detection is difficult, but some PID can be detected by physical exam. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific for your situation.

Is the pain in your right ovary scarring from the chlamydia and PID you had in the past?

Yes it can be.

How long does it take azithromycin to clear all symptoms of chlamydia in females?

Acute symptoms of chlamydia in females will go away within a couple of weeks of completing treatment. If chlamydia cause caused scarring and damage via PID, symptoms may be chronic and lifelong.

Why is chlamydia such a threat to females?

Chlamydia is a threat to women because 80 to 90% have no symptoms, and yet it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which may result in chronic pain or infertility. PID can occur after brief infection with chlamydia, even in women without noticeable symptoms.

What are the risks when you have chlamydia?

When you have chlamydia , you will have the risks to get some other risky and dangerous diseases .People who have chlamydia are at higher risk of also having other sexually transmitted infections - including gonorrhea and HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Severe infections may require hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics. PID can damage the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus, including the cervix. You may get PID if you have chlamydia. Some women have scarring from PID from a "silent" PID -- one without any symptoms.Infection near the testicles. A chlamydia infection can inflame the epididymis, a coiled tube located beside each testicle. The infection may result in fever, scrotal pain and swelling.Chlamydia can also cause the prostate gland infections if the men can not cure it . The chlamydia organism can spread to a man's prostate gland. Prostatitis may result in pain during or after sex, fever and chills, painful urination, and lower back pain.Infertility , chlamydia can cause the fallopian tubes to be blocked and women can become infertility because of this disease .Chronic pelvic pain can result from scarring due to the infection.

Can PID cause pain in kidneys?

PID can cause abdominal pain in women.