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that Ayurveda, including Punarjan Ayurveda, provides a definitive "cure" for Cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is a complex medical condition that requires evidence-based medical interventions. The standard treatments for cervical cancer, which have been extensively researched and proven effective, include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and immunotherapies. These treatments are recommended by qualified medical professionals based on the individual's specific case, cancer stage, and overall health.

While Ayurveda may offer supportive measures for overall well-being and can be used in complementary ways, it's important to approach claims of complete cures for cancer with caution. If you or someone you know is dealing with cervical cancer, I strongly recommend consulting with medical professionals who specialize in oncology. They can provide accurate information about treatment options and guide you through evidence-based medical care decisions.

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kalyani tallapaka

Lvl 8
10mo ago
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14y ago

If you are aged 12-18 you can have a vaccination!

I had mine yesterday! I am 12 nearly 13! I am in year 8! you can have it at any age between 12 years old (in year 8) and 18 years old!

I was petrified before having it - my friends who had it before me didn't help! they were crying and everything and they had already had it! me and my bff were crying and on the way to the room to get it a lady said that we should both go to the nurses room and waited for ages (around an hour and a half) then we got it! one of our other bffs had had it earlier and was with us the whole time we were waiting! then we went at the end and i felt a absalute twit! it didn't hurt at all! plus i got a free biscuit!

it didn't hurt at all! the only negative points about it was -
that you worry and feel horrible before it
your arm hurts if you move it after (mine is stiff today) which is why i had the day off!

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15y ago

Cancer is said to never be "cured", but it can be regressed to the point where the patient never is affected by cancer cells again.

Radiation, chemotherapy, and hysterectomy are known treatments of cervical cancer.

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13y ago

Very curable,

step one avoid chemo, or medical treatment...WHy?

Cancer has always been an extremely rare illness, except in industrialized nations during the past 40-50 years. Human genes have not significantly changed for thousands of years. Why would they change so drastically now, and suddenly decide to kill scores of people? The answer to this question is amazingly simple: Damaged or faulty genes do not kill anyone. Cancer does not kill a person afflicted with it! What kills a cancer patient is not the tumour, but the numerous reasons behind cell mutation and tumour growth. These root causes should be the focus of every cancer treatment, yet most oncologists typically ignore them. Constant conflicts, guilt and shame, for example, can easily paralyze the body's most basic functions, and lead to the growth of a cancerous tumour.

Cancer does not cause a person to be sick; it is the sickness of the person that causes the cancer." To treat cancer successfully requires the patient to become whole again on all levels of his body, mind and spirit. Once the cancer causes have been properly identified, it will become apparent what needs to be done to achieve complete recovery.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people who were once "successfully" treated for cancer die from infections, heart attacks, liver failure, kidney failure and other illnesses because the cancer treatments generate a massive amount of inflammation and destruction in the organs and systems of the body. Of course, these causes of death are not being attributed to cancer. This statistical omission makes it appear we are making progress in the war against cancer. However, many more people are dying from the treatment of cancer than from cancer. A real cure or cancer is achievable only when the causes of excessive growth of cancer cells have been removed or stopped.

Curing cancer has little to do with getting rid of a group of detectable cancer cells. Treatments like chemotherapy and radiation are certainly capable of poisoning or burning many cancer cells, but they also destroy healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, etc., which often leads to permanent irreparable damage of entire organs and systems in the body. A real cure of cancer does not occur at the expense of destroying other vital parts of the body.

Effective cancer treatment is a matter of definition. The FDA defines an "effective" drug as one which achieves a 50% or more reduction in tumor size for 28 days. In the vast majority of cases there is absolutely no correlation between shrinking tumors for 28 days and the cure of the cancer or extension of life.

When the cancer patient hears the doctor say "effective," he or she thinks, and logically so, that "effective" means it cures cancer. But all it means is temporary tumor shrinkage.

What patients consider "good quality of life" seems to differ from what the doctors consider. To most it is just common sense that a drug that makes you throw up, and lose your hair, and wrecks your immune system is not improving your quality of life. Chemotherapy can give you life-threatening mouth sores. People can slough the entire lining of the intestines! One longer-term effect is particularly tragic: people who've had chemotherapy no longer respond to nutritional or immunological-based approaches to their cancers. And since chemotherapy doesn't cure 96% to 98% of all cancers anyway...People who take chemotherapy have sadly lost their chance of finding another sort of cure.

The economics of cancer treatment are astounding. Cancer treatment is close to $100 billion annually ($100,000,000,000). The chemotherapy part of that by 1995 will be up to $8.5 billion. Looking from another angle: the Bristol Myers company owns patents on twelve of the nearly forty "FDA-approved" chemotherapeutic drugs. The president, past president, chairman of the board, and a couple of the directors of Bristol Myers all hold positions on the board at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

First, I would Change My Diet

I would switch to a mostly vegetarian diet. I'd also take the Nutritional Supplements "Green foods," such as GREENS+ (800/643-1210) or Green Magma (from Healthy Directions; 800/722-8008, ext. 572). These supplements include the phyto-chemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals required for optimal health.. I would enhance that basic program with the following:

Vitamin C - 10,000 mg per day in divided doses. Ewan Cameron, a Scottish physician, did a study in which 100 cancer patients were given 10,000 mg of vitamin C for the rest of their lives, while control patients were not. The patients on vitamin C lived much longer than the age-matched controls. The Mayo Clinic did two studies on vitamin C, and in both studies found that vitamin C did not help. However, both studies were set up in a manner that almost guaranteed failure. Frankly, I think that this was done intentionally to generate negative publicity for this non-toxic approach.

Cartilage - A three- to four-month trial of bovine or shark cartilage. The mucopolysaccharides in cartilage stimulate the immune system and normalize malignant cells. Ninety percent of patients with a variety of cancers responded to a clinical trial of bovine cartilage; shark cartilage has demonstrated success rates of 25 to 50%. VitaCarte

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15y ago

It is possible to push fourth stage cervical cancer into remission, but the odds are very long against it.

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15y ago

Yes, More than 90% of cases have been curable

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Q: Can cervical cancer be cured in its fourth stage?
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Can cervical cancer be cured in it fifth stage?

Cancer is spread through the body in what are considered 4 stages. Think of the body being sectioned into 4 quadrants: the dividing line between Stage I & Stage II being a line that runs from head to abdomen; Stage II & Stage III divided by the diaphragm. Having said that, Stage V does not exist. Cervical Cancer can metastases into Stage IV, wherein remission is harder to bring about, but not necessarily unknown.

What is stage IV of cervical cancer?

Stage IV: Cancer has spread to other parts of the body

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it depends on what stage you are on

What is stage IB2 of cervical cancer?

Stage IB2: Stage IB cancer is larger than 4 cm (1.6 in)

What is stage II of cervical cancer?

Stage II: Cancer has spread from the cervix but is confined to the pelvic region

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Stage IB1: Cancer is no larger than 4 cm (1.6 in)

What is stage IIB of cervical cancer?

Stage IIB: Cancer has spread to the parametrial tissue adjacent to the cervix

How is cervical cancer different from other cancers?

Cervical cancer is cancer of the cells lining the cervix which is the passage between the uterus and the vagina. You can prevent cervical cancer by monitoring risk factors for cervical cancer. Find out more about the several risk factors that increase your chance of developing cervical cancer.

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What are treatments for cervical cancer?

The various treatments for cervical cancer include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy depending on the type and stage of cancer that you've been diagnosed with.

What is stage IIA of cervical cancer?

Stage IIA: Cancer has spread to the upper region of the vagina, but not to the lower one-third of the vagina

Can ovarian cancer spread to the throat?

I just recently had a friend who had both cervical and ovarian cancer. The strange thing was the ovarian cancer was one type of cancer in stage 2 and the cervical cancer was a totally different type of cancer in stage 1. She recovered fully from both.