you have to meet your family physicion .he will help you to control hair loss
Coconut oil can help prevent hair loss.
Vitamins A, E and B are supposed to help prevent hair loss in men. Most times hair loss is hereditary and there isn't much that can be done for that except hair plugs.
They do not make supplements to regain your hair. However, there is an alternitive. You could look into some hair loss restoration. This will help you to grow your hair back.
It can definitely help 15%
Black currant oil is a remedy for hair loss. The back currant oil has omega 3 fatty acids that help lessen a number of hair problems like the hair loss.
Aminexil is a drug that is used to help hair. It helps prevent hair loss and encourage new hair loss. This is usually used to target hair loss on the head of a person.
From my research I was not able to find a vitamin that helps with hair loss. However they do have other ways that you could help get your hair back. I would suggest trying hair restoration products.
Good nutrition can definitely help prevent some hair loss. You can find a wealth of information at