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Q: Can bovine spongiform encephalopathy survive cooking temperatures?
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Can viruses survive cooking?

Some viruses may be able to stand the usual cooking temperatures, however, the influenza viruses and viruses that cause the common cold (and many other types) can be destroyed by normal cooking temperatures of 167-212°F [75-100°C].

Can you prevent mad cow disease among customers by cooking beef to at least 155 degrees?

No. Prions can survive temperatures of at least 155 degrees (Fahrenheit, I imagine you are using), but cannot survive temperatures where autoclaving begins at around 250 degrees Celsius.

Can humans survive in temperatures of 200 degrees?

No, humans cannot survive in temperatures of 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Yes, some earth-based probiotics can survive freezing temperatures.

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Can a snail survive cold temperatures?

Yes, snails can survive cold temperatures. The snails will stay out until the temperature turns to freezing then they will seek shelter.

What happens at temperatures above a billion degrees?

There is no life. No human could survive such temperatures.

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What very low temperature can plants survive at?

Most plants can survive temperatures as low as 32°F (0°C). However, some plants are adapted to survive even lower temperatures, such as certain conifers that can withstand temperatures below 0°F (-18°C).

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