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If you have type o negative then you are the universal donor and could donate to any other blood type. If you have o positive then you would be limited in what blood types you could donate to.

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It cannot be given to a person with O negative blood.

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11y ago

Yes. You are a universal donor BUT you cannot take any type of blood unless that donor is O negative

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Q: Can blood type 0 donate to anyone?
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Can donor blood 0 plus be successfully donate to recepients b negative?

No although type O can donate to anyone the positive (plus) can not be put into a blood with negative. This would cause blood clumping and would be very bad.

Can blood type 0 plus and blood type b plus have a?

Yes, a person with blood type O+ can receive blood from a donor with blood type B+. However, they can only donate blood to someone with the same blood type.

What blood can type O safely receive?

Blood type O can safely receive transfusions of type O blood, as it does not have A or B antigens that could trigger an immune response. It is often referred to as the universal blood donor because it can be given to individuals with other blood types.

Who can a person with 0- blood donate to?

Everyone (any blood type) O negative is known as the universal donor. They can only receive O negative.

Can a mother with B positive blood type and a father with 0 negative blood type have a baby?

Yes, anyone can make a baby. It doesn't matter what blood type you have.

Why are people with type O blood called universal donors?

People with type O blood are called universal donors because their blood lacks A and B antigens on their red blood cells. This means that their blood can be safely given to individuals with any blood type during a transfusion without causing a negative reaction.

What blood type has no antigens?

Blood type O negative has no antigens on the red blood cells. This means that individuals with this blood type can donate to anyone without the risk of their blood being rejected, making them universal donors.

Can 0 plus blood be donated to someone with A plus blood?

Yes. O is the universal donor. As long as the recipients RH Factor (positive or negative) is the same then O can donate to any blood type.

Can too people make an o positive baby?

I'm not sure about the positive/negative portion of the blood type. (If anyone knows more than I do, please add on). The mother and father must have any of the following blood types: Ai, Bi, or ii(which is the O blood type) _____________________________________________________________________ NO NO NO AND NO, here is the real answer, if two people (man and woman) were to make love, there is a chance but here are the odds, Any person can have a babie with O blood type, but if lets day, you had to donate blood, you donated a o+ or o-, someone is in need of blood, since you can give o- to any blood type, they could your blood, NOW if they were to get pregnant there is a 10-50% chance that they would have a babie with o- or 0+, depending on how much blood was recived, so in your case, you needed blood at one point in time in your likfe, than its possable that you could have a babie with a O blood type. now on other cercum stances if your blood type is 0- or 0+ then there is a 40% chance that you would have a babie with 0+, if your husband was 0+ or 0- then there is a fifty % chance, IF BOTH people had 0+ or 0_ as there bloopd type, there is a 95% chance. here are the basic rules, A man has 0-(+) they make a woman pregnant with an other blood type, there is a 50% chance that the babie would be born with 0-(+) blood type. If a man was not 0-(+) and a woman was then there is a 40% chance, if bothes female and male were 0-(+) blood types then there is a 95% chance that a babie would come out as 0-(+) blood type. now there is one last thing, there is a speacial 0 blood type, it can occor in anyones blood type no matter if its a- or ab+, or O, its called 00-, but its unlikly, there is only a 0.25% chance, so hope that settles your problems, and if you do have a babie with 00-, im osrry but it will die, 00- will kill anyone but when the person is born they will be different, when i say different there cursed, 00- was made by the devil, it says in the devil bible, its his lood type and anyone whos ever had 00- has died.....

What is universal donation?

Universal donation refers to a system where individuals can donate organs or tissues for transplantation to anyone in need, regardless of factors like nationality or citizenship. It aims to increase the supply of organs available for transplantation and save more lives.

Can someone who has the blood type B negative donate blood to someone who is O positive?

Yes, someone with blood type B negative can donate blood to someone who is O positive. Blood type O is known as the universal blood donor because it can be transfused to patients with any blood type, while type B negative blood is considered a universal plasma donor, meaning the plasma can be transfused to patients of any blood type.

Which people does the blood type 0 negative help?

You are one lucky person. Your blood type can help just about anyone in the world. It can help with blood transfusion or just about anything that a person will need.