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Is is safe to breath in bleach while pregnant? most cleaning products, including bleach are fine during pregnancy - as long as you work in a well ventilated area - and this would apply whether you were pregnant or not! cleaning ovens is not advisable as it is difficult to maintain good ventilation in such a small area. also keep in mind that that even though the cleaning products may be safe - an expectant mother should not be overly exerting herself with heavy lifting or overly exhuberant sure someone can help you in the short term....:)

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15y ago
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15y ago

No it won't do any harm to the baby. When you bleach your hair you don't put it on your acalp. It just goes on the hair. Do it in a ventilated area though so you are not breathing in the fumes of it.

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12y ago

It depends on the type of hair dye. If it contains ammonia I'd avoid it as it's not good for baby. Hope this helps! :)

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