Steve Dunhill died on August 28, 2000, in Donalsonville, Georgia, USA of mantel cell lymphoma.
t cell lymphoma
Mantle cell lymphoma is generally an acquired disease caused by damage to DNA that causes a tumor to grow in the lymph nodes. Exposure to carcinogens, chemicals that cause cancer, radiation, and preservatives increase the risk of lymphoma but are not known to be direct causes.
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is a malignancy of the T-helper (CD4+) cells of the immune system.
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is a malignancy of the T-helper (CD4+) cells of the immune system.
Yes you can, sadly. :(
I know the word lymphoma shows it to be some kind of cancer. I believe the mantle cell means its some kind of rare cancer. In fact, it is the rarest of them.
T-Cell Lymphoma is treated by an Oncologist. They can choose the treatment options for her. There is light therapy, cream therapy and radiation to name a few.
A new treatment option for patients with lymphoma is known as "peripheral stem cell transplantation."
Another name for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.