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Q: Can bisoprolol cause swelling in your knees too?
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Can too much salt cause ankle swelling?

Yes, consuming too much salt can cause ankle/foot swelling. Because over consumption will cause the body to retain more water, the ankles can swell from the water retention.

Does gout cause testicle swelling?

It can, The malady you are referring too is known as gouty orchitis.

Can icing an ache for too long cause swelling?

icing for my tennis elbow actually caused more swelling. physiotherapist said she is mystified. should actually reduce swelling. with me its the opposite.

Does adderall cause swelling in rib cage?

If you take too much and aren't used to will feel like a boat!

Can drinking beer and taking cozaar cause swelling in ankles?

Both alcohol and cozaar can individually cause ankle swelling as potential side effects. Combining them may increase the risk of this side effect. It is important to consult a healthcare provider if you experience persistent swelling while taking cozaar and consuming alcohol.

What happens when you drink too much water?

You can get water intoxication, which can effect the balance of the electrolytes in your body and can cause swelling, faster heartbeats etc.

Does hot water help ankle swelling?

Yes, soaking the ankle in warm water can help reduce swelling by improving circulation and promoting relaxation of the muscles. However, it is important to avoid using water that is too hot, as this can potentially worsen the swelling or cause burns. Consulting with a healthcare provider is recommended for severe or persistent swelling.

How many knees do human boys have?

A horse has two knees, they are on the front legs.

My knees have been killing more for over two weeks they hurt when im in 1 place for too long. I'm only 15 and I do do sport that may put stress on them they've been swelling too what up?

You NEED to visit it a doctor if you don't it will continue hurting and might get worse as you get older then you WILL need surgery.

Would cause vaginal swelling during your third trimester?

There is a lot of pressure on the lower part of your body (waist down) by the third trimester because the baby is quite heavy now (and then there's all the amniotic fluid too). It is very normal to get this kind of swelling

Is sperm stored in the knees?

Ofcourse it is where would it be without it? Once my knees were hurting because of too much masturbation and so it has to be because of this.

Is swelling and pain ok in an industrial piercing after 6 days?

Yep. Swelling can be a problem if the bar is too short but its completely normal!