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This depends what type of blood you mean. If you mean, here-have-some-of-my-blood, then no, you can't transmit it through sharing blood. BUT, if you mean you-are-related-to-me then yes. Asthma can be passed through genetics. You can inherit a tendency to have asthma. And you can also get it from smoking and other environmental causes.

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15y ago

Since asthma has genetic origin, doesn't trasmit through blood.

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Q: Can be asthma transmitted through blood?
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Asthma is not transmitted by "contact".

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What is The difference between a STI and BBV?

STIs (sexually transmitted infections) are infections transmitted through sexual contact, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, and can be bacterial, viral, or parasitic. BBVs (bloodborne viruses) are infections transmitted through blood-to-blood contact, such as HIV and hepatitis B and C, and can be transmitted through sharing needles or other equipment that may have blood on them. While STIs are primarily transmitted through sexual activity, BBVs can be transmitted through various means involving blood exposure.

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No, it is basically a genetic condition that may be aggravated by environmental conditions, it is not communicable

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Asthma can not be transmitted from one person to another because it is not considered an infectiious disease. However, it can jbe spread due to the fact that People can inhale their asthma symptoms.

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Is marriage contra indicated in hep c patients?

No. Hepatitis C can be transmitted through blood-to-blood contact (sharing needles, blood transfusions, etc.). It is possible, but uncommon, for it to be transmitted through sexual intercourse. It can also be transmitted by sharing items that have been contaminated with blood, such as razors or toothbrushes.But none of this means that a person who has hepatitis C should or could not get married.

How does blood related to HIV and AIDS?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is transmitted through contact with infected blood.

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Aids is transmitted sexually and any exchange of bodily fluids.!

Can Lyme disease be spread by exchanging bodily fluids?

Yes, Lymes disease can be transmitted trough contact with blood, for it is spread through the Deer Tick, which is a blood sucking insect that carries the disease . Because of this, it can be transmitted trough the blood, but not other bodily fluids.

What is hepatitis viruses appear in the blood?

hepatitis b viruses Hepatitis D can be found in the blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and other body fluids of people who are infected. Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids.Hepatitis C is transmitted through the blood. This can be picked up from dirty needles or tattoos.